What's a girl to do? - a Friend to knit with

What's a girl to do?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We are heading out to my sisters home for Thanksgiving, and with a 7 hour drive, I can really get a lot of knitting in. Especially with the 3 children confined to their seats!!

Hmmm, there is this. I know it doesn't look like much, but it will be the sweater I put on in the a.m. over my jammies........or the sweater I throw on while I am eating all of my ice in the dead of winter! The yarn is Classic Elite Charmed. 85% cashmere, 15% mohair..........feels great, and will replace the grey cashmere sweater, with the holes, that I wear every morning!

Then there is this. This is also an easy knit. Good for the car. I purchased this from Sarah, at Knot Another Hat this summer. I should have made this sweater a while ago, because now little Hannah is at least a month old and I still haven't given her a baby gift! I should really get this done.

Then there is this. I started this last summer. I really don't like it, but that is only because of my yarn choice. I used something from my stash that has angora in it, and I hate the shedding! I should just frog it, but the other side of me HAS to finish it. Just something about frogging I don't like, but should......I just wonder if maybe it will be cute over a jean jacket. Hmmmm. Well, I think I will throw all in the car.....who knows, the 7 hour trip may take 10 with all of the traffic around NYC. (yay!)

And this is one of the things that I am most thankful for. Little hands that made this little drawing............Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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  1. Anonymous11/25/2006

    you are simply amazing. you must hundreds of hits everyday

  2. Wow, those are lots of projects. The cashmere/mohair yarn sounds lovely. And I really like your version of the We Call Them Pirates Hat. They're addictive hats, aren't they? I've already begun a second.

    PS: Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words.
    PPS: I love that monkey you made, as well!

  3. Hi there...the slouchy cardigan looks really great but seem to have no joy with the links....could you tell me the full name of the pattern and ...make etc and i will see if i can source it in the UK...great blog i loook at it often ...thanks for sharing...


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