dreaming of sunshine - a Friend to knit with

dreaming of sunshine

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am dreaming of sunshine. It is not that I don't like these grey days, I do. I am actually the type of person that welcomes all types of weather. (The weather channel used to be my favorite) When it is raining, I say, "I love the rain". When it is snowing, "I love the snow". When it is foggy, "Wow, how awesome is this fog"! When there is hail, "Wow, hail, how cool"! And of course, when it is sunny, "Wow, I love sunny days"! However, when it is grey and cold I tend to forget a basic necessity, H2O! The other night when I went to sleep, I realized that I hadn't had even a sip of water all day! (I just heard you gasp, Lisa) No, not a sip, not even an ICE CUBE! Sure, I had my coffee and a tea, but not a drop of the good stuff!

So, in an attempt to drink more water and think warm thoughts, I started these Endpaper Mitts by Eunny, in a nice yellow. They are really fun and the color possibilities are endless.

The pattern is so well written and so easy to follow, and can be found here.
That Eunny, how great is she, she has a new pattern in the upcoming Spring Interweave Knits.
Now, go drink a big glass of water and think sunny thoughts!

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  1. I have been looking at those mitts! Your are turning out very pretty - I love the colors!

    Glad to know that I am not the only one who occasionally spaces drinking water...it is on my resolution list for this year, more water every day.

  2. Does hot chocolate count as a water alternative?... Somehow it cheers me up on dreary days :)
    Your endpaper mitts are turning out quite nice.

  3. Anonymous1/25/2007

    Beautiful colors! Now have another drink of water.

  4. So true it seems the water delivery guy drops off a lot less this time of year, in the summer it is 7 bottles at a time now we are down to about 2 a month-----I love the mitts, they would look VERY stylish over a pair of sleek leather gloves.

  5. Anonymous1/25/2007

    I'll take a pair! You could try warm water with lemon!!!!

    I did gasp.

  6. Anonymous1/25/2007

    I'll take a pair!

    I did gasp...try warm water with a little lemon! It definitely counts.

  7. Anonymous1/25/2007

    Those are toooooo cute!!! You were right Leslie, I will be making a pair of those cute fingerless gloves. I already started the CHARMED sweater. I can't wait until I get that done. You inspire me.

  8. Lovely colour combinations. I missed your last few posts. The hat construction is very interesting. I have a pattern that requires knitting a rectangle and then seaming up the sides and running through the stitches to close up the top. At first I couldn't believe that it can result in a hat but now that I see how yours turned out, I'm a believer.

  9. Anonymous1/26/2007

    Oh, I'm so like you - I tend to forget to drink all the time, except for coffee and tea that is. Great reminder, thank you for that!
    And I'm absolutely impressed by your mitts, they're so gorgeous in these colours - what a fantastic version yours is!

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