sweet - a Friend to knit with


Monday, May 21, 2007

I started this baby sweater last November. I finally finished it yesterday. The baby that it was being made for is now too big to wear this. However, we have friends that had their first baby, a sweet baby girl. This sweater will now go to her. I ordered this pattern and yarn, last summer, from Knot Another Hat. The pattern is a Sirdar, lace-edge cardigan which also has directions for a round neck cardigan. I used Debbie Bliss Cashmerino , 4 balls for 6-12 month,size 3 needles.

I love to order from Knot Another Hat because it seems that the yarn arrives at your doorstep the moment after it is ordered. A good thing to remember during the summer months when the children are home. One less errand is always a good thing for us!

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  1. they are adorable, and i love your labels!

    soon there won't be anything left on those needles!

  2. Anonymous5/21/2007

    That is so adorable! I just love pink. And your labels make it look so professional. Very nice indeed.

  3. Anonymous5/21/2007

    So darn cute! Love the label!

  4. What a cute sweater! I love the ruffles.

  5. That is sooo cute! Great job and the label is awesome.

  6. Wow, I want that in my size! Isn't Sarah the best, we all love her!

  7. Completely precious little sweater--and gifts being too small for babies before i even give them is the story of this knitter's life!

  8. ooh, the baby frills are just delightful. So cute. And how lucky is it that you have a new baby on deck to get it? Perfect timing.

  9. Anonymous5/21/2007

    That is a really sweet sweater. I notice the label too - very nice!

  10. Oh, that is just too precious. Your knitting is machine perfect, I swear. I am so jealous. ;)


  11. Anonymous5/21/2007

    Those little labels you have are cute! Do they come on a roll?

  12. Oh, so sweet! the ruffles really make it I think.

  13. love the sweater....looks like something you would buy in a botique in Shadyside for $110
    The tag is such a great touch/

  14. Wow, I love your edges. Both the neckline and the ruffles look so professional. What's your secret?

  15. OK, another comment. A question, rather. Do you block baby knits? If so, before seaming or after? I never know what to do with them.

  16. aww, it's so sweet, especially those tiny ruffles. I love the first photo of the cardi with the little ribbon on the yellow hanger.

  17. It's so lovely. I guess the person that gets this will be very happy. Have a great day.
    Love Elzie

  18. that's the great thing about babies - if one grows too big, you just wait for another one to come along!! :)

  19. They're going to love it! That is so cute.

  20. So sweet! Now what?

  21. That baby sweater is so freaking sweet. Must feel good to have it done and off the needles!

  22. Beautiful! I love how the edging adds so much to the sweater.

  23. Leslie - you are too kind - thank you. That little sweater came out so much cuter than the picture on the pattern!! I'm so glad to see it! :) And of course -love the labels!

  24. What a perfect baby sweater especially with the ruffles and the pink - and thanks for the link to the pattern. I love your labels -where did you get them?

  25. Beautiful!!!
    I love your "Friend to Friend" tags.

  26. Beautiful sweater, adorable frilly edging, and as others have noted, great tags/labels!

  27. Anonymous5/22/2007

    it is so pretty leslie! i love the lace edging.

  28. Anonymous5/22/2007

    Oh so cute! I love the ruffles.

  29. What a beautiful frill. One baby's loss is definitely another's gain.

  30. what a great little sweater! i'm always on the lookout for new baby sweaters, and this is a must-knit. love the labels ...

  31. Lucky little one that gets this! Totally adorable and love the ruffles! Your labels add the perfect touch to this sweater too.
    Thank you for the link. It's nice to know when a place ships quickly.

  32. Anonymous5/23/2007

    What an amazingly cute sweater this is - honestly, it must be the cutest one I've seen for a long time! I so love the details you added, and along with the pattern itself and the beautiful colour you chose it's just absolutely adorable! Fantastic work!

  33. Anonymous5/23/2007

    That's a beautiful little sweater! Your friends are going to be thrilled with such a darling gift for their precious newborn.

  34. so so pretty.... i love the edging. gives it that girly touch. labels make it so personal!


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