girls weekend - a Friend to knit with

girls weekend

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

This was our sixth annual trip to the TNNA show. We have friends that are designers for needlepoint canvas, and get to help with their booth. Most of our time is spent walking around, looking at fall fashions, feeling fabulous yarn. We cannot buy, but it is so fun to dream of future projects.

Highlights from our trip.

~Getting lost while on our drive to Columbus, Ohio, and seeing this sign on the side of the road.
~Visiting with the wonderful people at Swedish Yarn, and trying on Hanna Falkenberg designs. I hope to make the Plisse one day.

~Meeting Debbie Bliss. Listening to her chat happily with my mother ( about knitting and various other things) while my sisters and I tried on her fall collection. She is just as lovely as her yarn and patterns.
~Seeing my favorite person at Classic Elite, and trying on a sweater that I can't stop thinking about.
~Stepping into the Amy Butler booth and being totally inspired. Wanting to make gum drop pillows. Seeing her new line of bags called Sweet Life.
~Lorna's Laces, Offhand Designs, Nicky Epstein, cables, lace and hues of blue.
~Celebrating a sisters Birthday.
~Eating pizza at our favorite local pizza joint.
~Getting jammied up early with wine, cheese, crackers and our knitting.
~Using "not so much" every time we thought appropriate.
~Spending quality time with my mother and sisters. Laughing until we cried.
I quickly checked in on my bloglines and boy are they lit up! I have my favorite 7 year old home with a fever(how could he, with the count down on), but will be trying to get in my "reads". :)

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  1. Sounds like a lovely trip but oh, my! If that sign is really the one I think it is, you were really a long way from Columbus. (I live in SE Ohio.) I hope you enjoyed the "detour".

  2. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! Where to begin?! Debbie Bliss?! That Amy Butler booth is to-die-for. I didn't even know places like that existed.

    What a great time it sounds like you all had. Moms and sisters - the best! I'm so happy for you.

  3. It sounds like you had a great trip! How cool to meet Debbie Bliss, spend time with your family AND to learn what's new in the crafty world before everyone else!

  4. I've been waiting patiently for you to report on your trip. Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for the update, it was great!

  5. oh geez, and i thought i was jealous of your trip when you tld us you were leaving...now i am even moreso!!! i am so glad that you guys had fun and thanks for sharing it with us! the hanne designs are amazing, maybe you can get a job as one of the models for her styles and get free kits!!!

  6. Your trip sounds a lot like what I imagine heaven to be.

  7. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Now that is my kind of girls' weekend!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful time. I esp. like the sounds of relaxing in jammies with wine cheese and knitting. And the sign that reads an appropriate message when you stumble upon it while lost.

  9. I am SO jealous!! The Plisse is beautiful . . I can definitely see that for you. And the sweater you are wearing . . omg . . what IS that?!?!!?!

    I'm glad you had a good time and got to meet Debbie Bliss and see some new stuff. :)

  10. Looks like you had a great time! I'm so jealous!

  11. Anonymous6/05/2007

    How fun! What a neat picture with Debbie Bliss.

  12. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Wow, what a trip! It all sounds so wonderful. Do you know what the purplish sweater behinds Debbie Bliss' shoulder is called? It's so pretty!

  13. Anonymous6/05/2007

    looks like a lovely weekend! i think the TNNA is someplace i want to go.

  14. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Leslie, your weekend sounds superb! I couldn't wish more. Boy, you girls are soooo lucky!

    Hope your boy feels better!

  15. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Sounds like a lovely time. You got to meet Debbie Bliss - how great is that!

    I hear you on the kid sickness - mine is home with pink eye today.

  16. Anonymous6/05/2007

    Wow! What a great trip! I agree that you need to knit Plisse. It's incredible!

  17. what a fun trip you had! I'm sure you are all inspired by the lovely things you got to see!

  18. I almost went this year!!

    Did you meet my friend Jenn of KnowKnits?

  19. Anonymous6/06/2007

    Wow! This sounds like the absolute perfect trip - thanks for sharing it with us, these pics are awesome!

  20. What a fabulous trip! I love vicariously going along - wish I could have some of that Amy Butler for my stash!:)

  21. What an inspiring trip! Seeing all that beautiful stuff together must have been overwhelming. I can see why you can't get some of it out of your head. The Amy Butler booth looks like enough to go insane.

  22. ooh - that Amy Butler booth is amazing!!!!!! Debbie Bliss too! Sounds like an amazing time!

  23. What a lovely weekend! it's good to recharge your batteries that way.

  24. Um...that sounds pretty much like my dream weekend! I would have gone nuts! And so nice that you get to go with your Mom and Sis.
    I have my eyes set on Hanne's Promenade 7...in the orange and fuschia, we'll see.

  25. Anonymous6/06/2007

    How very fun! I want that Classic Elite jacket too. How cool to meet Debbie Bliss!

  26. Wow! You are so lucky and meet Debbie Bliss.I'm so jealous.Have a great time!

  27. I'm with Kara...that's *exactly* what I was thinking!

  28. Wow, sounds like a fabulous trip! So awesome you met Debbie Bliss! It is wonderful spending time with mom's and sister's. I think it is great that you all make the point of doing so!

  29. Wow how cool! That Amy Butler booth looks amazing...

  30. How FUN. It makes me wish I had sisters and a close relationship with dah momma. I imagine the trip wouldn't be the same without them!
    Did you get anything?

  31. What a great review, sounds wonderful, lovely to see all those DB sweaters hanging up and the Amy Butler booth looks wonderful.

  32. Oh darn I want a family like yours.....seems like you guys had fun, can I trade in my sister forone of yours?

  33. This looks like a wonderful trip you had! Love Debbie Bliss patterns. I would have to be pinned down when I got to the Amy Butler area:) You look so beautiful.

  34. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I am so envious of you, meeting those great people and seeing all that fab stuff!

  35. Oh what a fabulous trip! And how wonderful to go with your family! Fun fun fun!

  36. "Hanging out in the Amy Butler booth"...where was I? =)
    What a fantastic weekend you had! Love your recap...and that quote about happiness. Absolutely true!

  37. This sounds like so much fun :)

  38. The TNNA sounds like fun. I would have loved the opportunity to check out the handpainted needlepoint canvases,
    specialty crochet and knitting yarns. The Plisse is beautiful.

  39. Loving the booth shots, thanks for sharing! What fun!


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