last weeks post, this week - a Friend to knit with

last weeks post, this week

Monday, December 03, 2007

Last weeks craft, advent calendar.
I really wanted this from Garnet Hill. Of course, I wanted to make it, not buy it. (They sold out.) However, there was no time to make it. Whip out the sewing machine, stitch two pieces of fabric together in the shapes of mittens and stockings. Something similar. Hopefully next year we will enjoy a knit one. When I took this photo, and when we woke up on the first day of December, I only had these three days finished. Over the weekend, the rest was cut and sewed. I just have to iron on the numbers. Just a few days late.
Last weeks cookie: Dunkin Hines brownie mix.

I know, I didn't make them from scratch, but my kids love these so much, why would I? We added york peppermint pattie baking pieces, and they are sooo good! My grocery store only sells these during the holidays.
I usually stock up, because they are just the perfect thing with coffee,all year.

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  1. What a cute idea for kids room!! And those look so yummy I might have to go and make some for myself, haven't found the right "sweet" for my tooth lately, maybe brownies will do the trick. Happy December!!

  2. Anonymous12/03/2007

    York makes peppermint baking pieces?! I don't know why I've never seen those before, but I *so* have to hunt them down now.

  3. mmm - mint brownies! my mom always "dresses up" plain brownie mix with all sorts of different stuff!

  4. Oh YUM! What a great idea, I like the york patties too, and with coffee? Oh YUM! And the advent mitts are lovely, you'll all have so much fun! Happy December

  5. I've never seen York peppermint baking pieces! Stocking up is so wise!

  6. No way---mini peppermint patties in the brownies?? You are Supermom. Love the advent garland. A knit one would be so fantastic!

  7. Anonymous12/03/2007

    i'm going to find those mini peppermint patties! must have those.

    love your advent garland. it really is so cute!

  8. Every year I mean to make an advent calendar but don't think of it until around Nov. 30th. I love yours, though -- definitely one of my favorites. Maybe that will get me to remember next year. Or maybe I'll whip one up after the holidays THIS year so I don't have time to forget!

  9. oh, those look yummy! i have to try these!

  10. That is just the cutest advent calendar. I love your version of it!

  11. ack! I love your advent calendar. it's given me a great idea for my fireplace garland. thanks!

  12. Anonymous12/03/2007

    I love the idea of the advent calendar. I think The Company Store may have had a similar one as well. But Garnet Hill's was definitely the cutest.

    Mint brownies - yummy! I want to live at your house...

  13. The knit hands and mitts advent calendar is very cute but I also like the sewn one you made! Probably a lot less expensive too. Those brownies look wonderful! I will have to try to find those York mints.

  14. Anonymous12/03/2007

    I'll have to make some brownies now too - together with Kim's Italian cookies, this will be a great week for the diet!

    Jenna's right - you're a supermum!


  15. I really wanted that mitten advent calendar from Garnet Hill too and was disappointed to see that they had sold out. But I think I like yours even better! And thanks for posting about the Peppermint Patty baking chips - I didn't know they existed and I love chocolate and peppermint together!

  16. Peppy Patty Baking Bits?!! Why have I not heard of this genius?! Having made bronies froms scratch, I do have to say, sometimes, they taste better from a box! And I like your Advent Calendar, sewn is as fun as knit. And you could always knit the mits and hats and socks next year (if you wanted!).

  17. My SIL saw the one in Garnet Hill and asked me to make one for her for next year. Love your version!

  18. Anonymous12/03/2007

    York patties and coffee--sounds WONDERFUL!!!!!


  19. I like the idea of adding the numbers each day during advent, such a cute idea!

  20. Anonymous12/03/2007

    I had no idea York made those! I am going to scout them out for sure. Yum!

  21. what a terrific idea for an advent calendar! I can see these lined up with mini candy canes sticking out of them.

    And where did you find those mint chocolate chips???? YUMMO!!

  22. Love garnet hill. Your mitts are so cute and those brownies - yum!

  23. [Eyes bugging] I've never seen a knit Advent calendar or York pieces. Must make one and find the other! Thanks for sharing!!

  24. Anonymous12/03/2007

    oh, i love your stocking advent calendar. and i love the idea of york peppermint patties. in anything.

  25. I had no idea those existed. Wow. I've been busily inhaling Trader Joe's Candy Cane Jo Jo's instead.

    I love your little advent calendar - I need to make one for next year.

  26. I seriously hate you for showing me those peppermint patty thingies.


  27. you're too damn talented.

    and now i want some york peppermint brownies. i made chocolate peanut butter bars yesterday, to appease the youths. i should make your brownies tomorrow... mmm...

    have you seen the little advent elves on http://www.fjorn.com/adcaelpi.html? this is what i want.

  28. That is such a cute idea. Love it! Love Garnet hIll, that's where some of my daughters bedsheets are from that catalog. they have lasted years! Great investment.

  29. Anonymous12/03/2007

    I think yours is much prettier than the store one.

    You've got all the tasty treats over there. I did manage to find the chocolate truffle kisses now to search out the peppermint baking bits. Yum!

  30. Huh? I didn't know about York Peppermint baking pieces! My husband will go nuts - he loves peppermint patties. I must look for those!

  31. I love your advent mittens - very, very cute. I still haven't put the last 8 numbers on mine from last year! Now I want to know what you are putting in them.
    And yummy, yummy, yummy - mint chocolate brownies. We don't get those little patties here - what a brilliant idea - I would eat bags and bags of them!

  32. Those brownies look like a little slice of heaven. I love peppermint brownies! As cute as their advent calendar is I think your advent calendar is even cuter.

  33. We just got around to making our Advent Calendar/Garland today during our first snowstorm. Better late than never :-)

    I've never seen peppermint baking pieces! Yum. I'll have to check it out.

  34. Love, love, love the mitten advent idea. So cute! And I should get me some of those baking pieces... I'm salivating...
    Happy knitting-

  35. Anonymous12/03/2007

    Your advent calender is *adorable*. I bet it would be fun to pick out all the different fabrics......hmmm....I may have to borrow your idea and make one of my own. =)

  36. what a delightful advent calendar idea! so so adorable, and no small feat. (i guess the other one is no small "feet." tee!) your blog is such a breath of fresh air.

  37. The brownies with the peppermint patty baking pieces just sent me over the edge! If I made those I would gain 10 pounds - I love peppermint patties.

  38. Those little mittens and stocking are so cute!I love them.
    Chocolate and mint.....a divine combination!Mmmmm

  39. Those brownies look so good!

  40. O, I too love that Garnet Hill hat and mittens advent calendar! It's on my mental note to do for next year.

    Yours is so cute! Love that striped fabric.

    Peppermint Baking Pieces?! YUM!!!

  41. I love the advent garland and how you are making it your own instead of buying it-just love that. It also makes me feel a little better about life that you made brownies from a mix!

  42. Gosh, your cookies and baked goods make me so hungry. I may have to make some brownies today. Yum.
    I love the little mittens. I think they are cute sewn too!

  43. Oh my gosh I had no idea those pieces existed! *rushes to grocery store*

  44. Anonymous12/04/2007

    Hey, those mittens and socks are great. I had my eye on them too but I have no excuse to not to make them myself.

  45. Anonymous12/04/2007

    Brilliant advent calendar. :)

    Virtual chocolate yum!

  46. I have a great advent calendar but when I saw that one in Garnet Hill catalog I had dreams of knitting it up for someone. My knitting friends soon brought me down to reality and said I might just consider sewing it out of felt. I never did get around to doing it (because I think I really want to knit it) but your version is lovely.

  47. that is a really cool advent calender! i collect advent calenders...so i love this idea!
    thanks for the tip about the brownies- i am peppermint patty/junior mint kinda girl, and will be scouring the city to find these for my baking!

  48. I love your version of the Advent calender. I wanted to make one this year, but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe next year? We'll see.

    And that's a great idea about the mint in brownies! I'll have to try it.

  49. That is so just like you - whipping up something so fast! It came out beautiful. I made something like this one year with felt stockings and it's a lot of work. Kudos to you to making it so quickly.

    Enjoy Advent!

  50. That is a great idea for an advent calendar! I have never seen the peppermint patty baking pieces....I might need to take a trip to the grocery store during lunch...

  51. I loved the garnet hill advent calendar, as well ... but yours is just a charming!

  52. Wow, can you say "yummo!" jeez, what I would give to spend some time with you and your family (and not just for the cookies and brownies)!
    Love the advent calendar idea. There is nothing quite as exciting as an advent calendar, and the stocking idea is so cute!

  53. That advent calendar is a great idea... your modification looks super. Thanks for sharing the idea with us.


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