always take it with you - a Friend to knit with

always take it with you

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

As I left the house today, I realized that I forgot my knitting. So I ran back into the house to get it. You see, I really never feel comfortable going anywhere without it. I debated for a moment on taking my camera, and then decided against it. I wish I would have grabbed that too, because then I could have showed my car, being towed away. I had just exited a bridge (I am so thankful) and came down the ramp, and kerplunk. The engine was still running, however, it just wouldn't go. So, I coasted to the side of the road, and made a few phone calls. One to the towing service, and one for a ride home. (My father-in-law came through again.) The man on the phone at the towing service told me they could be there within the hour. I glanced over at my knitting bag and told him "take your time".

I am sure they don't hear that often.

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  1. what a bummer! i guess that puts the tear in your leather into perspective...

    hope your hella fresh ride gets fixed soon.

  2. nothing stresses me out more than that happening! i am so glad you brought your knitting! and that you have such a great father in law!

  3. Anonymous1/22/2008

    oh no! so good to have that knitting in the front seat. glad you're safe and sound.

  4. What a major drag, glad your bff knitting was there to take away the pain!

  5. Anonymous1/22/2008

    Oh, I do the same thing. I never leave without my knitting, even when I know I have no chance of ever using it! Sorry for your troubles, and what an awesome father-in-law you have!

  6. oh, man...sorry to hear about your car troubles. what a drag. and I am SURE that the towing people don't hear "take your time" very often. ;) you made me smile with that one.

  7. Oh! I am so sorry to hear this happened but am glad you're ok.

    I have made the mistake of leaving the house without my knitting. Not. Good. I just don't mind waiting anywhere as long as I have it with me.

  8. Car trouble--yuck! But free knitting time--hooray! I love waiting rooms and traffic jams and, under the right circumstances, even a delayed flight. If only everybody knitted, I'm sure the world would be a much calmer place.

  9. Bummer about the car, but thank goodness for having your knitting. Personally, I feel a little lost out there in the world without mine. Not so much without the camera.

  10. just threw some yarn into my carry on! i am glad you are ok - hope the car is ok too.

  11. How annoying!! Clever girl for remembering the knitting!!

  12. Knitting saves the day again. I always have a log cabin square on the go in the car - works well for traffic jams too.

  13. Nothing is more frustrating than a car that won't run!!! GRRR. And what I really adore is when the tow truck guy asks you if you want a lift to the garage? The last one that came to give me a jump was definitely Ted Bundy's brother. You are lucky to have such a good FIL and we are all fortunate to have that bag of knitting in the back. Hope today is better.

  14. Thanks for reminding me! I have left my knitting behind on long trips before and it's feels like going through withdrawals symptoms:)
    Super sweet father-in-law and really happy to hear you are safe!

  15. Anonymous1/23/2008

    Oh dear! but good job about the knitting? i always have to take a doodle pad wherever i go and if i can manage it a small embroidery hoop with some threads and a needle!
    I love the name of your blog...i had to make a gift recently and without a friend to knit with i would have been up the creek without a paddle and would have thrown the towel in! 'Real' knitters like you are very inspiring for knitters like me!

  16. I'm so happy you got across the bridge. Hip hip hooray for Pitch... I guees you get to stay home all day :)

  17. Oh No!! at least you got over the bridge and out of traffic! I try to take my knitting everywhere also - you never know when you may need it to take up some time waiting!

  18. A perfect example to show my husband. He doesn't get why I have to have a project for every room and every journey. I tell him, you never know when you're going to find yourself stuck with some time to kill.

    Sorry about the car, but TGFK. :)

  19. Anonymous1/23/2008

    I once had a commute that went over a lift bridge, I would be very cross on the days I forgot my knitting and was stuck with the bridge up.

  20. Thank goodness you had your knittin ;)

    Sorry about your car though. Glad you are OK.

  21. Yuck! I'm glad that you had your knitting and that you made it home safe and sound.

  22. Yeah for the FIL!

    I love never "minding" the having to wait part of being a knitter - it makes me patient, and I am So Not Patient.

  23. I'm so glad you had your knitting! I try not to leave home without it, too :)

  24. what a day! you are so so lucky you ran back in to get that knitting! it is like your guardian angel was whispering in your ear when you left the house! and you probably made that tow truck driver's day by not stressing and yelling at him over the wait time!

  25. Anonymous1/23/2008

    I'm sorry for your car troubles-yuck! I'm glad your Father-in_law was there to help.

    However, I'm with you on the knitting bag. I am so upset with myself when I am without it. I have even tried getting a few stitches in at the bank. (And we live in a very small town so the line is always very short.:))

  26. Anonymous1/23/2008

    Wow, that was a close one! I feel lost without my knitting when I forget it.

    I hope your car troubles can be quickly and cheaply fixed.

  27. I just saw somewhere.... an "emergency knitting kit" for stashing into your glove box. I thought it was funny, because, well, a ziploc has always served me fine and dandy. Sorry about the car probs! Glad you had your knitting!

  28. Be prepared, isn't that the scouts motto? Anyway it seems to have come in handy.

  29. I never think to take my knitting with me for times like that (which thankfully are very very rare). Actually last week we hit traffic coming home from piano lesson (there was an overturned truck on the road!) and we were stuck for an hour - yup, that would have been a good time to whip out my needles. I hope your car is all fixed now.

  30. Anonymous1/23/2008

    It's always great to know you can always rely on (among other things) your knitting to calm you down even in those unfortunate circumstances! I only carry mine if am not driving but I can see why I need to bring it along always, just in case.

    Hope your car get fixed soon!

  31. ack! that sucks but thank goodness for a ride, knitting and a sense of balance. I always have my camera with me but usually dash out without the knitting. Many a time have I regretted that.

  32. Hope that the car recovers! Good news that you went back for your knitting though!!

  33. I, too, cannot leave the house without my knitting and I've been thankful many, many times!

  34. Sorry to hear about your car - glad you are okay and were able to coast it to the roadside. And thank gosh you had that second thought and grabbed that knitting - a nice way to pass even the most troubling times.

  35. Anonymous1/23/2008

    That's horrible about your car! I got stuck on the freeway with my daughter over the summer and didn't have a cell phone! Thank goodness a good samaritan stopped by and gave me a ride. What a bummer! At least you had your knitting to comfort you!

  36. I had to laugh (not about your car dying) because I never leave home without some knitting because of that very situation...you just never know when you will have to wait and if I didn't have knitting I would go insane I say!

  37. I never leave the house without my knitting... You never know when something will happen or you'll be stuck in traffic... ! Yep, I knit in traffic!

  38. thanks for sharing your photo and your story. i almost always have a camera. pretty much never knitting. guess that's because i don't knit. thanks for the tale though!

    i may just take it up though. two things to bring.

  39. hate car troubles. love knitting. the two go hand in hand....hopefully the cars will get better...I'm still waiting!

  40. Ew, scary car things, not fun, but how glad are you that you brought you knitting, right?

  41. Anonymous1/24/2008

    I feel the same way about always taking my knitting with me. Hope your car is fixed soon!

  42. I hope your car feels better soon! What a drag. Definitely a great time to have your knitting.

  43. Gosh, I am so glad you had your knitting, a lesson to all of us! Hope all is now well, car wise.

  44. Always take the knitting. Failure to do so will absolutely result in a two-hour jam on the freeway. Also, when traveling, pack the extra yarn inside the car, not in the rooftop carrier (because your husband will look at you like you've gone over the edge when you ask him to pull over on the freeway in a raging storm to get an extra ball).

    Sorry about the car, but at least you had the knitting!

  45. Anonymous2/26/2008

    The last time I had my old car towed all I had is my ipod and was running out of battery!!!! now, I bought a charger for my car and make sure I always bring something to keep me entertained because I waited for 3 hours!

    thanks to your father in law that came to the rescue =0)


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