slice and bake - a Friend to knit with

slice and bake

Friday, February 01, 2008

This cookie has been one of my favorite for a very long time.  My girlfriends mother in high school made them, and I sort of forgot about them.  They are really delicious, and I am so loving the slice and bakes.  I love the idea of having the dough in the freezer, ready to eat, I mean bake at anytime.  (Did I ever mention how much I love cookie dough?)  
This was last weeks and this weeks cookie, because it makes so much dough.  Four logs.

However, it could be easily cut in half.
Dunkin Platters:
1 box  brown sugar (16 oz) :: 1 lb melted butter (4 sticks) :: 2 cups sugar :: 4 eggs :: 2 tsp vanilla :: 2 cups oats :: 2 cups corn flakes ::  4 cups flour :: 2 tsp baking soda :: 2 tsp baking powder

Mix in order.  Add nuts if desired. Roll into logs wrapped in wax paper.  Chill for at least 2 hours before cutting.   Bake at 350 for 10-14 minutes. Can store in the freezer.

Happy Weekend!

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  1. Anonymous2/01/2008

    Ooooh, I'm printing that off right now!

  2. ooo, I want to try those too!

    So, if you freeze these then when you are ready to make them they have to thaw completely, right? (sorry, probably a dumb question!)

  3. totally printing this out. have you ever used nuts? if yes, what kind?? and do you slice and freeze, or do you freeze without slicing?

  4. Mmm...those look great. I'm definitely printing this recipe!
    My grandma always made slice-and-back ginger snaps, I'm going to have to hunt up her recipe.

  5. Mmm, Yummo, love the cornflakes in them, sounds delish! And beautifully photographed as usual!

  6. hey guys,
    jill, i do not thaw before i bake. if the dough is too hard to cut, i let it sit for a about 5 minutes.
    and melana, i have not tried nuts in mine, i think the mother that made them used walnuts.
    also, freeze without slicing.

  7. Those look really yummy. I think we're making cookies today too.

  8. Wow, those cookies look so good! and I love how evenly round they come out!

  9. How funny, when I glanced at your blog post I thought it said "a friend to bake with"! I'm making those tomorrow, I have all the ingredients--sort of like knitting from stash, right?

  10. I brown sugar sugar cookie. Love it. I will definately be making this one. Not today though. We are sick at my house.

  11. That's a lot of butter, but they sound so yummy. I love slice and bake cookies. My mother used to make some that were like shortbread but I don't have her recipe.

  12. Yum! Definitely having a go at this one, I like the idea of having some in the freezer ready to cook anytime.

  13. i am so trying this!

  14. those look good! i love cookie dough too, i ate so much once i got food poisioning in high school. my nick name was "cookie" for a very long time!

  15. Looks delicious! I wonder what they'd taste like with chocolate chips added:) I'm on a chocolate kick!

  16. Oh my, I just want to take a bite right off of that dough log - looks delicious!

  17. Anonymous2/01/2008

    I like having cookies in the freezer too!

  18. ohhhh yum I luv slice and bake too.... and cookie dough..... heaven..... really seriously HEAVEN.... will hvae to try these next week.... thanx.
    luv Abby

  19. I haven't told you yet but you have inspired us to bake cookies every week here! We've been doing it since Christmas. I am gluten intolerant so I have been playing with various recipes. My husband is begging me to stop because he's afraid he's gaining weight!

  20. Anonymous2/01/2008

    oh my goodness, leslie - i have the very same thing about cookie dough. i'd rather eat the dough than the cookie. most of the time. can't wait to try these.

  21. Yum! I think we'll make some this weekend... I love the slice and bakes, too. Thank you for sharing!

  22. Yum! I miss cookie dough from the US. The cookie dough I find here in France is just not the same.

  23. Anonymous2/02/2008

    We are so lucky you're active in the blogging world. Where would our cookie jars be without you? They'd be empty and lonely, that's where. Thanks for posting this recipe! I'm sure it'll be a hit at my household, too! I have my fiance, BIL, and the band (yes, I have a rock band that practices at my house a few times a week) that love cookies!

  24. They look delicious, I'll definitely give them a go. Thanks for the recipe!

  25. Yummy!.. I"m writing this one down! :)

  26. Oh yummy. wouldn't a log make a great Xmas gift all wrapped up? I'll remember this for next year. Thank you so much for sharing.

  27. Anonymous2/02/2008

    I just mixed up the dough for these and ate so much of it I gave myself a stomachache! I'm looking forward to the few cookies that make it into the oven LOL.

  28. Oh, my YUM! Those sound terrific! I remember my college days of eating cookie dough...at home when we were younger we got so sick of birthday cake (6 siblings, plus cousin, aunts, uncles... lol) we used to eat cake batter at our own birthdays!

    So do you think I could make these with soy-butter?

  29. Wow - those do look wonderful!!! Will have to try them :)


  30. Anonymous2/03/2008

    Those look so yummy. We will definitely have to try them this week.

  31. Will definitely be making these! Yummo. Thanks for sharing. :)

  32. i love cookie dough, too. it's dangerous to have in the house.

  33. another cookie dough addict here...my sister makes huge batches of drop cookies and freezes them too (on a baking sheet then once they are frozen transfers them to a ziploc). They are so good frozen! :)

  34. Do you think these would mail well? I need to send a friend some cookies and since these make a lot, I thought it would be perfect because even after we eat tons we would have enough left over to send. They look delicious!

  35. thanks for sharing! i know what we'll be making this weekend.

  36. these look so yummy! i must try these when i love home and have an actual kitchen!

  37. Anonymous2/04/2008

    I swear my cookie consumption has gone way up after you started posting all of these cookies of the week!

  38. Stop it, you're killing me !!!

  39. Anonymous2/04/2008

    Hi ! I've just given you a "You Make My Day " award on my blog because I love your blog .
    Bye !

  40. They look delicious!

  41. Oh my these sound just lovely! I will definately have to make a batch of these this weekend.

  42. Oh. Cookie dough is my downfall. Chocolate chip the most, but any will do. This looks divine... Mmmmm....

  43. Oh what a great thing to have in the freezer for unexpected company... nice warm cookies and tea!! MMMM!!

  44. Hi There - I found your blog through House on Hill Road and I am really loving your blog & your photo a day! My daughters & I are making the Dunkin Platters this morning. I can't wait to try them!

  45. Ooh, those look very yummy! Thanks for sharing:)

  46. thanks for sharing the recipe. it sounds wonderful...I can't wait to try it.

  47. Helloooooo, anyone out there? It's been nearly a week, I'm getting withdrawal symptoms ;-) How's it going, any new knitting, any new cookies?
    Come out and play!

  48. Oh how that brings back childhood memories! My mom used to make those and roll them in waxed paper. I used to love slicing them off and eating them unbaked, too!

  49. What? Cornflakes, really? I think might have to try that this weekend!

  50. I wouldn't be able to resist eating the cookie dough:) Corn flakes sound interesting and healthy. Yum
    By the way your sweater is looking amazing so far!

  51. We made these last week and they were gobbled up before I could even get a picture of them! (We halved the recipe.)

    Thanks so much for sharing it!

  52. I just make this and it is really good! Originally the batter was too runny (it was my fault, I think) so I added more flour and oat.
    thanks for the recipe!
    And you are right, the dough was yummy!

  53. Hi,
    I just found your blog and I am so glad!
    I tried these cookies and I am a little worried that it will become a far too frequent visitor at the table.
    Great job on the tangled yoke!
    I am starting my second one. My first didn't fit me but it did fit a friend.

  54. Anonymous4/18/2008

    Hi -
    Just wanted to say I've made these cookies SO many times and they're fabulous. Also thought I'd add that the other day, I was at relatives' house and making them, but they didn't have corn flakes. We substitued 1 cup of crushed walnuts for the 2 cups cornflakes and they came out reeeally tasty - so that's good if anybody's looking to change it up a bit.
    One other thing - I learned the hard way that with these cookies, it's well worth one's time to grease the pan...;)


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