a ruffle and a how to - a Friend to knit with

a ruffle and a how to

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

For some reason, Easter weekend did not provide much knitting time for me.  And, can you believe that I forgot to put the birds in their baskets?  Yep.  I ended up putting them out on the kitchen table for the kids the day after.  A little anti-climactic if you ask me, but they did seem to love them.  

I finished the ruffle scarf.  It is probably a project that can be completed in a couple of hours.  I worked on it here and there, so not really sure exactly, but I do know it went fast.
Since it took me FOREVER to try to figure this out, I thought that I would  (try to) show you how it is made.
my assistant, andrew, working the remote 
The yarn is more like ribbon, than yarn.  When you cast on, you place your right finger under the needle held in your right hand, and insert the needle into the top few threads of the yarn.  I cast on 7 stitches.
This is where the directions became very confusing for me.  The directions have you holding your finger under the needle wrapping yarn, blah blah blah.  (They lost me there).  What I did was, insert the tip of the right hand needle into the stitches on the left as if to knit normally.
Insert the tip of the needle into the threads on the top of the yarn about an 1 1/4 down.  
Move it down your needle and knit the stitch normally.  
Those few threads on the top of the needle become the yarn.
Slide it down,
and off.  If you knit into the same color on every row then your scarf will be the same color on both sides.
If you reverse the color, that you knit into, every row, then your scarf will be reversible. (confused?)  I knit one row into the light pink.  Then at the end of that row, flipped the yarn and went into the dark pink.  This made it light pink on one side, dark pink on the other.
My yarn store suggested one ball for a shorter scarf and two for a longer scarf.
Yarn:  ONline Linie 194 Solo, 1 ball
Pattern: I can't believe that I just found this pattern!!!!!  This would have been easy to follow! 
Needles: size 6, cast on 7 stitches
For: Libby
Notes:: Although those hands appear to be about 104 years old, I promise I am not.  However, I will make a note to myself to manicure my nails and moisturize my hands before I attempt another tutorial such as this.

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  1. Anonymous3/25/2008

    It looks so pretty and girly! I love it with the jean jacket too. My problem was transitioning from one row to another. I simply could not figure it out. Thanks for the tutorial. You know you've started a trend now, right?

    Oh, and the hands? they look fine! You don't even know how bad hands can look - sent you a picture! Do not be frightened!

  2. It does sound rather confusing to me, but it looks fab, especially with the denim :-) LOL about your hands, they don't look 104 ;)

  3. i got lost somewhere in there. i think i would've given up!

    looks fabulous, though. like candy. i'm sure libby loves it.

  4. Here are some helpful links for knitting with this kind of yarn...



    I *must* get my hands on some of the yarn. I actually want to knit and that hasn't happened for quite some time.

  5. Damn. That first link go cut off. For those who are interested, try this:


    It will take you to a set of pictorial instructions for knitting with Ruffles (the same type of yarn) on the Lion Brand site.

  6. really beautiful! thanks for the tutorial. hope to give it a try.

  7. That is simply delightful! I love the color and the romantic femininity. It looks so delicate. Wow!

  8. ok. what is it with the old lady hands? i swear mine are awful too!
    but that scarf - gorgeous! libby is a lucky girl.

  9. You are so funny--old lady hands! At least the rest of you looks 21!;)

  10. wow! thanks for the tutorial...i never would have figured that out on my own! lucky libby has a pretty special new scarf!

  11. Love that scarf, I had always wondered how to do it - thanks for the tips! I think MY Libby would like one too:)

  12. Mani-pedi is on my to-do list before hitting the beach! They need total overhaul! Yours look terrific compared to mine! Love the scarf! Thanks for the link!

  13. A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks for the tutorial, it's great. And you have a lovely scarf! And your hands do NOT look 104 yrs old! You should see mine and I'm only 45. ugh

  14. this is so sweet! I know a little girl that would love this! thanks for the tips.
    And, hey, your hands DO NOT look old!

  15. Anonymous3/25/2008

    The scarf is great, great, great!!

    104, bah! Sarah gave me a great idea the other day, scrub your hands with sugar and sweet almond oil (or whatever you have) it works great.

  16. Anonymous3/25/2008

    Leslie, you are funny! Those hands don't seem to be anything like that!!!

    Great tutorial and the ruffles turned very lovely!

  17. Fun finished knit! Very interesting yarn... I think I'll have to check that out. I like interesting...

    Happy knitting-

  18. The scarf turned out so cute! I love how it is pink on one side and dark pink on the other.

  19. Anonymous3/26/2008

    This so gorgeous - it looks like it took way longer than a couple of hours. Thanks for the tutorial - I am definitely going to try this

  20. So glad you posted this project. My LYS has a bunch of this yarn on sale from last Christmas. I think I need to run back there and buy some to start, dare I say, Christmas gifts! I love how yours looks!

    Thanks for the link too.

    At least giving the birds to your kids the day after gave the birdies center stage :) Plus, it's always fun to get gifts when you don't expect it!

  21. BEAUTIFUL! Very spring!

  22. that is so pretty - all those waves of pink!

  23. Anonymous3/26/2008

    that is a gorgeous little scarf, and thanks for showing us how you made it!

  24. It's lovely! My head would have been spinning though.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. So sweet, fun and spring-like. Lucky Libby.

  27. That is just so frou-frou fabulous! Now I want one. Yes, you're starting a trend, friend. :o)

  28. I love this! I saw it when this yarn first came out and I was working in the yarn shop. I might actually go and get some and do this one!

  29. Anonymous3/26/2008

    oh pretty pretty scarf! It looks great with denim doesn't it. Great tutorial too.

  30. Bonjour,
    your scarf is 'si jolie', its can ad a ladylike toutch to every silouette and the color announces spring, just great.
    The tutorial is clear as well.
    Bon tricot.

  31. You consistently do the prettiest things . . there's not one thing you've knit that I haven't fallen in love with. You make me SO jealous!! ;P This scarf is really, really beautiful. Thanks for the link to the pattern. I can't wait to see what you post next. :D

  32. 104...hah! The scarf is very cute! I think Libby will be so incredibly stylish when she wears it!

  33. Sooo cute! Can I order on in green?

  34. Anonymous3/27/2008

    I saw this scarf being knit by the owner of my LYS and I didn't think too much of it but then I saw yours! I love it! My girls would love it!

  35. Your hands look fine Leslie, and the scarf is amazing! Thanks for the tut!

  36. I think your hands look fine. Certainly not as dry as mine are.

    I love the idea of a fun, girly ruffled scarf. One of my friends would love it (if I can make one a little bit narrow and a little bit short - she's very petite).

  37. That is the most beautiful scarf I have ever seen...ever! You are so talented!

  38. Thank you so much for explaining this. I just bought some of this yarn today and the woman in the yarn shop showed the technique to me very quickly. Of course, when I tried it at home my brains turned to scrambled eggs!

    Merci beaucoup!

  39. Anonymous1/13/2009


    I think this information about a ruffle is so better.

  40. Wow! I have been wanting to try this yarn and now that I see it's easy, I will definitely try it! Thanks!


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