1 row = 15 minutes - a Friend to knit with

1 row = 15 minutes

Monday, June 02, 2008

Seed-Stitch throw, with garter border, from knit simple spring/summer 07.

Pattern is an eighty row repeat.  
Total of six times.
80 x 6 = 480 rows
1 row = 15 minutes
480 rows = 7,200 minutes
7,200 minutes = 120 hours
2 hours a day = 60 days
60 days = 2 months
What?  Am I kidding myself?  It is summer.  It will get hot.  It is seed stitch.
30 minutes a day = 2 rows per day 
2 rows per day = 240 days
240 days = 8 months
Somewhere between 2-8 months.
This is how my brain works when I am only interested in the outcome.  
At least I am in love with the yarn.

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  1. You are too funny: 8 months vs. 2 months! Me? I'm almost always interested in the outcome, which, in this case will be smashing!

  2. Ha! You make me laugh.
    It sounds like one of those projects you jump back & forth to.

  3. Anonymous6/02/2008

    You are so good with the maths. The colors are beautiful.

  4. Anonymous6/02/2008

    Thank you for the laugh ;-) The colors are so pretty. It looks like a great poolside project!

  5. Love that you calculated that all out...good luck with completing it!

  6. Oh dear! Um, maybe you'll get faster as you go?


  7. my blanket that I thought would take 6 months has now taken 18 months. Of course it doesn't help that it has been in the closet for a few months now. Oops! :)

    It looks lovely.

  8. i, for one, loves how your brain works!

  9. A knitting math. I do the same thing all the time, especially if I am close to the end of a project.

  10. ~laughing~ That's awesome. Love the colors!

  11. Ok, I am giving this project an ETA of June 15th. I am not fooled by your 2-8 month estimation, I know how fast you work!!!

  12. LOL! You are too funny! But, hey at least you love the yarn. ;)

  13. those are gorgeous colors.

  14. oh, i can not wait to see this. Ack! seed stitch! I love, love it but it does take forever! I have a feeling it will be worth it.

  15. Anonymous6/02/2008

    lol... you are funny... I often wonder about these things but have never fully worked it out.... well done.

  16. Anonymous6/02/2008

    This looks like the blanket your sister was knitting on her last blog 9/'07. It should be beautiful!

  17. Oh dear! I think those numbers would just about kill me! You are a brave and intrepid knitter!

  18. Whoa. I think you've finally found a way to keep me from copying all your projects! That yarn, though... hmm...

  19. I like all the math...you funny lady! I'm sure you will get it finished in record time. :)

  20. Anonymous6/02/2008

    math again...always the knitting brain at work :-)...I do adore the seed stitch,but oh,my a whole throw...

  21. yikes, when I stop to quantify knitting into time, I need to put my hands over my ears - lalalalala - it's really kind of impractical - that's why you have to be sure you love the yarn:) Then it is entertainment, rather than time clocked - hee hee! Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

  22. Laugh... I think I might never knit again if I really thought about how many stitches go into a long sleeve sweater and how long it really takes to knit all those stitches!

  23. Anonymous6/03/2008

    I totally think like you! I can't wait to see this FO in 8 months. :)

  24. I would never work out my knits like that, its too scary! Nice yarn helps!

  25. even if it does take 8 months, it will be done in time for the cooler weather!! :)

  26. if i did that math, i think i would run away screaming! you are brave, leslie!

  27. It's YOU knitting Leslie, let's be real, it will be done in 6 weeks.

  28. Oh man. My Flair Jacket project had me estimating how long each row took...20 minutes per row and I was still increasing! Then my puppy got to the project and I had to frog over 8 hours of work. Devastating...


  29. Maybe you'll start to learn a rhythm for seed stitch and you'll cut the row time down to 10 minutes? That would shave months off your estimated time. Good luck!

  30. Ouch! You are so brave to knit a throw... Maybe next time, you'll choose a quick and dirty tank top? ;)

  31. i was thinking the same way about my clapotis over the weekend. i have 9.75 hours left!

  32. Anonymous6/04/2008

    Oh my! Sounds like a bit of a trial! And seed stitch too! I have every faith in you though. :)

  33. Anonymous6/04/2008

    This is such a great top. This would take me two years to make-lol.

  34. Anonymous6/05/2008

    Seriously. Learn the Norwegian purl. Knittinghelp makes it look soooooo much more complicated than it is. But really, it changed my entire purling existence. And it doesn't even change your gauge once you get used to it.

  35. Wow. I've never looked at it like that, it makes me nervous. Nervous with a grin, so I think it's okay : )
    I'm working on the Minimalist from Interweave Fall 2007. The whole sweater is moss stitch....I don't want to know how long this will take me. Good luck!

  36. i knit the same blanket as a wedding gift for a friend. it took me 20 min to make it through a row...so she received it almost year after their wedding. glad to hear i wasn't the only one who took forever to knit it! i am slpknitter on ravelry if you want to check out my finished throw.


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