the combination - a Friend to knit with

the combination

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Yep. It is that time of year again. When I start thinking about the sweaters to make for my kids for the Christmas card photo. Last year was perhaps the last year.  My mother gives me that look like....are you sure you want to put Charlie (who is soon to be thirteen....yikes) in a sweater handmade by his mommy...look.  And maybe last year should have been the last year. But I can't seem to let it go. I have been doing it for eleven years....it is just sort of part of us now.  The problem is, patterns for that age group are just so hard to find.   
I found the yarn I want to use.  And it is so lovely!  All tweedy, and cool, yes?  I plan on using the light grey for Andrew.  The charcoal grey for Charlie.  And I am thinking vests.  Tweedy, cool vests.  Yes?
I couldn't find a pattern for Libby either.  So I pulled a couple combinations together.

I sure hope this will come together the way I have envisioned.
Oh....and happy September.  I may be one of the few to say this, but I am so excited it is here.  Bring on the sweater weather.

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  1. I am so excited about your Christmas sweaters, you must not give up this tradition. I think it is wonderful idea. Even if it does begin to drive them crazy when they are older, I think they will still cherish the fact that you do this.

    I love your sweater ideas for Libby, I keep going back to that Mini-Boden one too.

  2. Those are great yarn colors. I say don't give up the tradition. When they grow up and move out then maybe but until then, keep knitting :)!

  3. I think if your children still sit for the photo, they most definitely will do the handmade-with-love sweaters. The colors you've selected are also very "mature." And, guys do wear sweaters, after all, don't they? Mine doesn't anymore, but it's never really cold enough here. My sister did knit him a hat a couple of years ago, gave it to him as a joke because it was her first and didn't exactly come out "normal." He used it hunting and loved it, said it was the warmest hat he ever had. Follow your maternal and feminine instincts. Your children will remember all these moments fondly for years to come. And I can't wait to see your daughter's, designed by you!

  4. Anonymous9/03/2008

    i think i'd like one in my size, please!

  5. you better be writing that pattern down as you go. i'm so serious because there are two mini boden sweaters that the girls want...

  6. I dont' think you should give up doing them! Last years were pretty cool, I think....Love the tweed - you can't get cooler than that!

  7. You should keep up the tradition ...last year's sweaters were so lovely, and I don't think children are ever too old for hand knit sweaters! I'm a college student and have a friend who wore the Cobblestone sweater his mom made him around campus all last winter! And I still love when my mom makes me knitted things! Good luck .. the colors you've chosen are just lovely!

  8. Such wonderful yarns! I look forward to seeing your progress on what you end up creating.

    Tanya :o)

  9. I think it sounds like a great family ritual! Good luck with that planning.

  10. I just cast on for sweaters for my boys this morning. And last year I made Cobblestones, too. Great minds think alike, as my grandmother always said. I must confess, though, every year I question myself on this. Last year I didn't get them done in time to take pictures outside. This year I had the yarn before Labor Day, but it was 50 degrees this morning - did I mess up again? Ach! Next year I'm casting on in July...


  11. Have you seen Dr G's Memory Vest? http://throughtheloops.typepad.com/designs/2008/05/dr-gs-memory-ve.html

    I am knitting it for my dad now and it seems like it could be easily adapted for a smaller body. Coupled with the Mini Boden sweater that we all have our eye on (please consider sharing your pattern notes!), I think you'd have a very stylish trio!

  12. Oh, these will be wonderful! Years from now the kids will fondly say at Christmas...remember when mom made us wear....! ;)

  13. Anonymous9/03/2008

    Oh, Libby's sweater is going to be adorable! That mini-Boden reminds me of the Silver Belle. You two will be twins. The boys can handle vest for sure. Why give up such a sweet tradition?

  14. traditions are needed in families,especially at Christmas

  15. Yes! Vests! I love it. I think that it is a great tradition. Can't wait to see the whole family outfitted.

  16. Awww, what a cute idea! I like your selection.

  17. Oh I sincerely hope you continue to knit your kids sweaters for your Christmas card... and I don't care what age they are, they should indulge you and wear them, even if only for the photo shoot! But as nice as you knit I would think even your teenage son would be proud to wear a sweater his mom knit. I can't wait to see how they turn out.

  18. I cannot wait to see your christmas sweaters this year. the colors are sooooooo fabulous. last year's sweaters blew me out of the water. so I can't wait to see this round. the sketch for Libby's looks outstanding.

  19. Anonymous9/03/2008

    I agree with Hanna Otero, that pattern would look good on any age young man. I think its unanimous that you not give up the tradition!!

  20. I've been reading your blog for a while but have not commented before. I love the tweed and agree, bring on the sweater weather!

  21. I like the vest idea. I'm trying to make one for Matt at the moment but am having difficulty obtaining the correct gauge...haven't had a lot of time to spend on it...but tomorrow's the day...finally!

  22. yes! bring it on! I can not wait to see your creations. i think vest's will be perfect.

  23. I can't believe you knit sweaters every year for your family photo. That is just way too adorable. (Well, not TOO adorable--actually the perfect amount of adorable-ness.)

  24. Anonymous9/03/2008

    How do you knit so many beautiful things so fast?

    You are very very inspiring.

  25. Anonymous9/03/2008

    Oh yes! A beautiful combo for her!

  26. This is the most wonderful tradition--I can't wait to see how this year's sweaters turn out. Beautiful, I'm sure:)

  27. Oh Leslie I just KNEW you were a Mini-Boden kinda gal:) (me too!)

  28. As the mother of a yougn teen myself, I would make the sweater. I bet it is something he will cherish! The memories especially will be worth more than gold when he is all grown up.

  29. I love the colour of Libby's yarn

    It will look beautiful on her.

    Dont worry 12 isnt to old, I think you have until around 14 when they start getting 'too cool for school'

    In any case its a lovely tradition and I hope you can continue

  30. Anonymous9/03/2008

    well, I wasn't fortunate enough to be aware of your blog last year, Leslie ... but let me just say this: those sweaters are top notch. Anything similar in J Crew (if you could find it) would be absolutely fitting on a young boy your son's age. I can't imagine they are too old for it. Of course, I can't imagine ever being to old to wear something so perfectly handsome. carry on!

  31. Well, when Charlie decides enough is enough he will let you know, then you can switch to matching scarf/mitten/hat sets

  32. Anonymous9/03/2008

    Yeah to family traditions! I am too on the verge of whipping up one just like that. "She" likes the Boden one and sure Libby will be happy with what mama knits!

  33. I'm excited to see that you are going to do the 'sweater card' photo again! I think it's a great idea. Milk it as long as you can! :D Love the yarn and excited to see you 'vision' for Libby come off the needles - it looks like it's going to be great!

    I'm sad to see summer end but I truly love fall! Bring it on! The best time of year to knit if you ask me

  34. That is completely awesome. I can't ever seem to manage having a handknit on all 3 at the same time, let alone, all co-ordinated like that. You rock! Don't stop!

  35. I love the look of that yarn. Christmas sweaters are great. None of my family like hand knitted sweaters :(

  36. Anonymous9/04/2008

    these will be great! i'm sure the kids will sit for you just fine, though i'd like to see the pics along the waythough ...i'm sure i'd get all kinds of faces! i usually get one out of twenty shots that is usable. attitude somehow manages to slip in! but that began around 16 :)
    a photo like yours will be treasured down the road!

  37. Oh yes, bring on the sweater weather indeed. Especially with beautiful yarn like your tweed.

    The Christmas sweaters will be great!

  38. Don't give it up! The sweaters you make are beautiful, and what a wonderful tradition!

  39. The sweaters/vests will be gorgeous -- I doubt they'll ever outgrow your sweaters (although they might claim they have, occasionally). You might have to switch to finer gauges as they get older. As they age, you should keep Jamesey from Knitty in mind. :)

  40. Anonymous9/04/2008

    Are you joking? You make some of the most gorgeous, useable, yummy looking Christmas sweaters. Your kids will adore you someday for this huge labor of love EVERY YEAR! What a SuperMom. Don't give up now - you're entering some great years of sweaters & vests.

    Great combinaton of patterns & yarns. I can't wait to see the photos.

    You're doing a super job - keep up the good work!

  41. Well because my name is Libby, I can say with full assurance that your calculation is exactly right! That sweater does = Libby! It's gonna be great!

  42. Those are some beautiful looking yarns. I'm still a couple of months away from knitting. Its just too hot here in the deep south :)

  43. Oh, yes! I love September too.
    And I think your sweater & vest plans sound perfect. Yes to tweedy vests. And yes to your own creation for Libby. I have faith in you! :)

  44. I like the idea, though I'm not sure I'd do it myself (I'm much more likely to make everyone socks and just send pictures of feet for the holiday card).

    Yummy tweed yarn!

  45. Anonymous9/04/2008

    Absolutely continue the tradition, it's wonderful. Beautiful yarns!

  46. thats sooooo sweet of you to knit those sweaters every year again...wow...Lovely wool you bought for this year! And yeah that weather is here again...let's celebrate autumn!

  47. I love how you do this! I think it is probably something your children will always remember.

    I will have to check out that yarn - I am loving it from your pics!

  48. Love the vests idea! Keep the tradition going. It's a beautiful thing:)

  49. Oh, I can't wait to see! Hurry, though, so I have time to copy ;)!

  50. You sure are a determine woman! It's great to have this tradition in your family. How times flies, i was here last year around this time reading your blog.

    Cant wait to see your finish FOs.

  51. What a wonderful tradition! Vests sounds like a great idea - love the yarn you have selected - just gorgeous!!

  52. I love all your sweaters. I can't see what you come up with! I think your totally right that this age group is poorly represented in the pattern spectrum. Have you seen these http://www.mariegracedesigns.com/photos/original_patterns/index.html?

  53. The tweed yarn looks beautiful and should make the vests look very grown up. I am sure your son will still wear them, otherwise he might feel left out if you didnt knit him one. I still knit my 14 year old son sweaters, perhaps 1 a year and if he doesnt wear them then someone else will. I cannot wait to see how they all turn out.

  54. the colors are gorgeous! and while they are not typical christmas colors...they are very wintery lovely colors!

  55. Oh I am so excited! I think it is just the coolest that you do this every year and the sweaters are always beautiful and perfect for all of your kids, not cheesy or tacky or 'one-of-those-sweaters-your-mommy-knit-you-for-the-x-mas-card' at all! I love it, love the vest idea too!

  56. Anonymous10/10/2008

    I want to be Libby! i have been searching all over for that exact sweater, some are too wide, some too short, too much yolk...yours is PERFCT!


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