sheet pants - a Friend to knit with

sheet pants

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So yesterday it was all about the linens.  Organizing and folding them.  I was so happy to see a sheet that we don't use.  With a cute top.  Well you know, that sort of put me back on the sidetrack trail
Next thing you know, I was gathering the necessary materials to make another pair of lounge pants.   Because everyone needs a new pair for the fall. 

I couldn't wait to put them on.  And did so as we were getting the kids to bed.  And breezing by my husband in the hallway, he mumbled, "nice sheet pants".   I laughed so hard it hurt.
I couldn't believe he knew these were sheets.  However, considering these were his sheets from when he was single, I guess it would have been hard to forget.

I won't be back in this space until sometime next week.
Be good, friends.

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  1. so cute! I love those. We'll miss you while you're gone. Hope you're doing something fun.

  2. Anonymous9/10/2008

    enjoy your time away. i hope you are taking some nice sheet pants with you.

  3. Dude. Even your SCISSORS are cute?! What is UP with that, Miss Sheet Pants?

    Have fun! We'll miss you!

  4. oh what a riot! Thanks for the giggle!
    My hubby is terribly jealous of my sheet pants and keeps begging me to make him "manly" ones!

  5. Have fun and enjoy !

  6. Sheet Pants...thats too funny.

    I hope your time away is for fun and happy things. :)

  7. Great idea! I'll have to get that book. I live in lounge clothes.

  8. Anonymous9/10/2008

    nice one, leslie!
    a terrific concept. :)

  9. Anonymous9/10/2008

    I'm sure he's just jealous... I love the sheet pants. We will miss you!

  10. Those look simply great! I'd bet old flannel sheets make some rockin' pants, too :)

  11. I love those lounge pants...I can't find the pattern in Canada (or at least in my city) and even if I did...I just can't take up sewing...I can't :( Not enough hours in the day for me and I am trying to finish Anniki :)

  12. Cute pants, Les! Have a good time!

  13. Hmmmmm, my linen closet could use a little cleaning and sorting. . .
    Nice pants!

  14. Anonymous9/11/2008

    Oh how cute! Your pants have real history!

  15. Ahhh! I was JUST going to ask you about the adorable "sheet pants" that you made a while back. I think there is a photo of you in them at the fridge, and then one with you and your sister (???) lounging in them.

    A girlfriend and I just picked up some fab vintage sheets and she was in love with the idea of making lounge pants with them.

    Where is that pattern again? if you wouldn't mind. =)

  16. Okay, that's it, I must make these pants right away, they are so cute! Enjoy your time away!

  17. Anonymous9/11/2008

    You lucky thing! My husband wouldn't recognise sheets if i pulled them off the bed from under him!

  18. How funny! I would love to take scissors to my husband's old sheets:)

  19. one can never have too many sheet pants!

  20. Those sheet pants look very comfortable. That is a great idea to recycle old sheets.

  21. maybe you should have made the sheet pants for b.?
    have fun and take good care.

  22. I just ordered the book and can`t wait to raid my own linen cupboard. So comfy looking!

  23. they look wonderful and comfortable. have a good time off.

  24. There's something sort of ironic about you mking pants for you from B's bachelor sheets.

  25. I think you need to open up a "Sheet Pant" Etsy store so I can buy some. I'm so horrendous with a sewing machine I couldn't even attempt these. :)

  26. There's a lesson in there somewhere: bachelor sheets to wife pants. Hmmm...

  27. I heart sheet pants. and how sweet of your husband to notice, too.

    enjoy your week off!

  28. ah, yes, sheet pants. love them.

  29. Must make some sheet pants. Very cute.

  30. Anonymous9/11/2008

    Very cute sheet pants. Every time I see someone make them I get the gumption to make them, but then I don't. I need to find some time for all these wants!

  31. I love that pattern. A friend just made me a pair recently and I am in love. Making them out of sheets...brilliant!

  32. Anonymous9/11/2008

    I love the sheet pants. I need to find some old sheets. I'll be spending some time in the attic I guess. Kathleen loved your fancy fingerless glove pattern. Kudos!

  33. I really enjoyed making those vintage sheet pants. They are sooo comfy...especially made out of a warn sheet!

  34. Men...their sense of humor is what makes us keep them around... ;)

    I'm going to have to try that sheet pants idea sometime -- I can just imagine how wonderful that nice, crisp & cool linen would feel.

  35. Great lounge pants. Hope you got through some of the items on your lists.

  36. sheet pants !!! LOL , ROF ! nice one ! such a guy comment :0)

  37. How funny! I love those pants. I'd like to give this a try but I'm not too friendly with my sewing machine :-)

  38. they look great! have a great time away.

  39. "nice sheet pants" that is hysterical! I can't believe he recognized them either, how funny. They do scream out to be pants, love them. And it is special that they are from when he was single, cute!

  40. Anonymous9/13/2008

    I love that you keep all of these sheets to be made into pants later! Have a great time away!

  41. I *so* need an eyeball adjustment! I thought the title of the post said "Sheep pants."

  42. Anonymous9/15/2008

    Hello! Thanks for the information regarding the wooden plates. I have Acacia cups and have been looking for plates to match. I called and ordered - they are so lovely to deal with. They also wanted to know how I found them, I gave them your website. Cheers!

  43. Hope your time away was for relaxation! Love the sheet pants!

  44. Ha! That's funny.

    They look great and so cozy!

  45. Wow! Cute pants! I have a sheet that just sprung a hole in it and I've been wondering what to do with it. Now I know.

  46. Gotta admit that the phrase sheet pants is pretty funny sounding.

    Hope you are having fun!

  47. Anonymous9/17/2008

    How funny- sheet pants! I still need to get her book. Hopefully in a few weeks. I love the first pair you made, such cheery fabric.

  48. I saw some cute flannel with a border print and thought of you- you and lounge pants, that is. I probably need to get that pattern...

    Happy knitting-

  49. They are so cute! And they look unbelievably comfy, too!

  50. Funny! Nice to have a sense-of-humor-man around!

  51. What a fabulous idea - his old sheets! :)

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  53. Anonymous12/10/2011

    man those are some sheety pants

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