toast/toasty - a Friend to knit with


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have mentioned before how much I love Toast.  And this latest catalog was fantastic.  Of course, there were a couple of photos that really caught my eye.
Ahhh...I love this photo.  And what cool knit is she wearing on her arms?
And then there was this photo.  And look at her gloves.  I loved those, too.  But why buy them, when we can all whip them up ourselves?!

So, I grabbed the nearest yarn. (Ahem, yarn to be used for boys vests.) And some needles.  Cast on, and knit.
And remember I said that I had a little photo shoot while in Carmel?
My two sisters.  Modeling my knits.  No, not the sweaters.  The gloves!  (Although, Michelle, on the right is wearing my mother's slouchy cardigan.  Like mine, but without the hood.  Lisa, on the left is wearing this sweater.)
So here they are.  Toasty on the left.  And toast on the right.
These are my personal favorites.  If you aren't a fingerless glove person, these are perfect.  Worn with a sweater with 3/4 sleeves, or poking out of a sleeve of a jacket.  They provide the extra warmth needed.  They can be pushed up if you need to use your whole hand.  Or pulled down to cover cold fingers.  I love them.
Toast here.
Toasty here

Al-righty then.  Time for you to pick a pair and get started.  
Have a fabulous day.

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  1. Anonymous9/30/2008

    All the while we were away on Martha's Vineyard I felt like the little cottage iin which we stayed was pulled from the pages of TOAST HOME. I love it too, mostly for the photography inspiration and have you to thank as i requested a catalog after one of your posts. Thanks, Leslie.

  2. I'm a big fan of fingerkess gloves and just love your versions. What beautiful photos too! Your sisters are good knitwear models :)

  3. Thanks for the pattern idea I have just the yarn to use. I also love toast for all the great photos!

  4. These will be perfect for hockey season but I must go and finish Matt's sweater first! It's almost done!!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous...toasty and toast, your photos, too!

  6. I LOVE the simplicity of these. They are beautiful! I've already printed off the pattern. I think several people in my family will be getting these for Christmas.

  7. I'm trying some 'Dashing' at the minute (makes a change from little rabbits) but these look super easy and, ooh I might just have to get me some of that tweed to start a pair! Hope your week is going well :)

  8. What a great gift idea for the holidays! Thank You!!

  9. Anonymous9/30/2008

    Leslie! What a charming pair. And the pattern. You are so generous.

    Now, if you only knew what my day is like....

  10. beautiful photos and post! and the wrist warmers are lovely. especially the length.

  11. great photo shoot and projects! thanks for sharing , these will make great gifts!

  12. I love the length of these! Thanks for sharing how you made them.

    The photos, as always, are gorgeous!!!

  13. So lovely - I have been coveting these in the Toast catalogue and simultaneously thinking how easy they should be to knit! Now I have no excuse!! Thank you! Great photos as well.

  14. The handknits look great! Your photo shoot also looks fabulous! So professional. I finished a pair of 'Those Mitts'. They turned out great. Next pair I knit will be for me!

  15. oh leslie! these are soo good. i'm going to have to make some for me and my sister. thanks for sharing the pattern.

  16. I love these...and thank you for posting the pattern...I'll be making several pair for gifts.

  17. I love fingerless gloves but here in Calgary I would freeze wearing them. I made the endpaper mitts last year and basically wear them around the house. Maybe sometime this fall they might work well for me. I love the yarn you used for yours. I have seen a Toast catalogue and agree with you that their products are wonderful. And...the catalogue is photographed beautifully.

  18. Isn't that clever! I think I need these for my frigid office - then I could still type with ease ;-)

  19. So simple and so gorgeous. I'll be casting these on for sure.

  20. Anonymous9/30/2008

    I'm loving these also. Thanks for your version of the pattern. Beautiful photo shoot. :)

  21. These are lovely! I love Toast, as well, and was impressed with all their great knits in the current catalogue. I just recently cast on for a pair of legwarmers, like the ones I saw in Toast. :0)

  22. Anonymous9/30/2008

    Oh I do love your Toast! In fact, I prefer your photo shoot to the official one!

  23. Anonymous9/30/2008

    OMG! I love the idea of no thumb! Perfect. It was always the thing I disliked about mitts. You are going to make me sacrifice a skein of my Portland Tweed from my sweater for these, aren't you? Oh, no, you said MORE than one skein.... Back to the store...

  24. How pretty and functional! Love the tweedy yarn too :) Awesome photoshoot!

  25. But what about the boys' vests?!? Hehehe, not that I've never done that before- misappropriation of knit yarn, I think there may be some sort of law against that...

    Yay for hand warmth!

    Happy knitting-

  26. Anonymous9/30/2008

    thanks, cause i've been craving a tweed lately. could be my quick fix!

  27. I'm a HUGE Toast fan too. And I had the exact same idea that you did perusing my catalog the other day. Believe it or not, but I'm knitting on my own version of the wrist warmers as we speak. Great minds think alike, eh?

    Not sure I can pull off such a gorgeous photo shoot though. Your sisters are so lithe and modelly. The seaside setting helps. Beautiful post!

  28. I am working on my first pair of fingerless gloves for a friend, but I may have to make some of these for me! Now I just have to decide if I should start with toast or toasty :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  29. Oh, I love them both! Fingerless gloves and armwarmers are perfect for our Arizona winters. I'm knitting the new ones for the kids right now.

  30. Gorgeous mitts! They look like the perfect fall accessory.

  31. Anonymous9/30/2008

    Must. Make. Wrist warmers.

  32. Anonymous9/30/2008

    ummm, i may have already cast on for toast. you sent me dashing to my leftovers bag for some cascade 220 heathers. i have been thinking about looser wrist-warmers for wearing with 3/4 sleeves. thanks!

  33. thanks for the pattern!

  34. ooh la la! what an inspried photo shoot! Great knits and great pictures! I wish I had good knitwear models!

  35. Thanks so much for the great pattern(s), Leslie, and for the photo shoot! So fun, so inspiring, and a wonderful addition to the Christmas gift lists!

  36. Anonymous9/30/2008

    Love them! Very cute.

  37. They're beautiful! Thanks so much for the pattern!

  38. I adore TOAST and love your patterns of their fingerless gloves. Now, if only there were a pattern written for those TOAST'S fabulous long cabled, hand knitted socks... ;)

  39. What beautiful photos, and what lovely wristwarmers! I'm casting on for Toasty right away.

    What I wouldn't do to be at the coast right now, wearing beautiful handknits and watching the sea...

  40. oh leslie.
    i really want to knit these.
    both. how perfect!

  41. Love, love,love them both! I am off to make some.

  42. Very pretty--I love the purply color. Thanks for the pattern!

  43. when my catalog came,I had the same idea...thanks for sharing...love them.

  44. so cute! and thanks for turning me onto this catalog...it is like the rowan books...you want to step into the pages and live there!

  45. Looks like you were at Knit One on Thursday--drat! I was there on Sat.

    I love that Portland Tweed, I have had my eye on that a while...

  46. Love 'em! I have that anthro sweater too and was just thinking the other day that I won't be able to wear much longer because it isn't a full length sleeve. Now I can. SWEET! :)

    Thanks so much for the pattern!

  47. I LOVE toast and toasty both! You and your sistrs are such beautiful models. Glad you all had a good time in Carmel.

  48. Definitely warm and toasty!

  49. Love 'em. (Of course.)

  50. One, two, three. Easy as. Toast! You are amazing. I'm close to falling asleep, yet at this very moment, I want to grab a ball of Frog Tree alpaca and start knitting.

  51. Anonymous10/01/2008

    Your Toast & Toasty are perfect! Thank you so much for taking the time to share the pattern with us. Thank your models too. :o)

  52. Those look so warm and toasty. Love the names!

  53. both are so wonderful! LOVE the names. :) I am working on a pair of fingerless gloves right now...with seaming, because I don't know how to knit in the round yet. your photography just blows me away. as does your knitting. always.

  54. Anonymous10/01/2008

    Those are great. I love that your sisters are wearing semi-matching sweaters. Thanks for the instructions. g

  55. i love all of the pictures! beautiful.
    the one of your sisters could be in a magazine!

  56. Anonymous10/01/2008

    Oh Thank You so much for telling how to make them. I have been drooling over them in toast too. I also tried to email you which came back as invalid?! So thanks for such great posts and you are always so inspiring. The photo shoot looks so professional.

  57. Anonymous10/01/2008

    Thanks for the patterns! I have been busily whipping up a pile of fingerless mitts for the farmers at our CSA as a 'Thank You' gift. I'll make a pair of Toasty's to go along. I'll have to make a pair of Toasts for myself since I'm a big 3/4 sleeve gal.

  58. Anonymous10/01/2008

    Those are wonderful! Such a pretty photoshoot too!

  59. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing! Great photos!

  60. Anonymous10/01/2008

    Again you're inspiring me. I'm going to try your fingerless gloves with Debbie Bliss Luxury Tweed. A new yarn at our shop. I'll report back.

  61. Love the Toast and Toasty mitts! How utterly inspired - cowls for the arms!

  62. these are just brilliant!!

  63. Popped the other day and fell in love with these patterns. I have already made Toast and I adore them! Thank you!

  64. Love 'em! I really need to whip up a pair....as soon a all my yarn is unpacked. I think I am going to have request that catalog too!

  65. Anonymous10/05/2008

    I wonder if you needles #7 are imperial or metric in size??

  66. Anonymous10/08/2008

    Leslie, these were so easy to make! thanks so much for the pattern. I had never done a thumb hole before but had no trouble making the toasty pattern!

  67. Anonymous10/09/2008

    Thank you for the quick answer on the needles. I'm already on my 3. pair so there will be warm hands for most of the family during winther.

  68. I love the new Toast catalogue too. I would love to try and make one of their tea cosys. Surely it can't be so hard...
    Thanks for the pattern!

  69. Thanks so much for this pattern, I bought a pair like "toasty" last year and have been desperate to make myself some ever since. I'm such a slow knitter, but even I could manage these I think.

  70. I love them! It a shame I'm so bad knitting.

  71. i've only just started knitting but i think i could try these...thank you so much for sharing! hugs from a fellow toast-fan.

  72. I am on my second pair and I ordered the Toast catalogs. Thanks!

  73. perfect mitt and arm warmers...I need both! Thank you for the inspiration!

  74. These are just what I need to go with my neckwarmer...simple and useful for typing at work!

  75. Anonymous12/04/2008

    Thanks! I have been looking for a simple, yet actually plain pattern that will work on this beautiful mohair I was given. I had already made the scarf, and have found a hat to go with it (or at least close to what I was looking for) and now I have the toasty! Thank you so much!! I cant wait to whip it up! :)

  76. Oh-oh,I just finished a pair of Maine Morning Mitts two days ago but now I see that I will Need to make some of your toasty ones as well. ;-)

  77. Just finished my first Toasty and it looks great. Can't wait to start on the other one. Thanks for the simple pattern.

  78. Anonymous1/05/2009

    Just found your site via Soulemamma. Love these gloves!! I will be knitting them next!

  79. i too just came from soule mama! i love the toasty pattern. I will have to knit some of these up right away! I have the perfect yarn too!

  80. Anonymous1/18/2009

    I am so excited to make these. It's freezing where I am! I love the greys that you've used.

  81. Thanks so much for these patterns! I just learned to knit and chose Toast for one of my first projects. In fact, I learned to knit in order to make Toast. I'm in love with them and will no doubt make more. Thanks for the inspiration.

  82. your images are wonderful...and love the fingerless gloves. beautiful work!

  83. this could be a little late, i am not a great knitter on double pointed needles and wanted to make some like toast. i used straight needles and cast on 30 stitches and knit a rib stitch until they were long enough to come up to my fingers. I turned it inside out, folded it in half and knit from the bottom up until it reached my thumb then knit from the top down until it reached my thumb and they are very snugly and leave my fingers free to do things like take pictures.

  84. this could be a little late, i am not a great knitter on double pointed needles and wanted to make some like toast. i used straight needles and cast on 30 stitches and knit a rib stitch until they were long enough to come up to my fingers. I turned it inside out, folded it in half and knit from the bottom up until it reached my thumb then knit from the top down until it reached my thumb and they are very snugly and leave my fingers free to do things like take pictures.

  85. I just wanted to thank you for offering your toasty pattern. I made a pair using Malabrigo and I love them! They're nice and warm on chilly evenings, and they look great as well.

  86. Anonymous3/18/2009

    Everytime I see these I tell myself I'm going to learn how to knit. Gram would have made them for me, now I'm on my own!

  87. thanks for sharing these patterns..I love your taste in colors and the style you show. I'm tweeting your blog as of now..

  88. How do I get these gloves? Thanks.

  89. I MUST make a pair of these!


  90. Anonymous10/20/2009

    I'm a little confused... how do I do what you stated?:

    "Pick up and knit 4 stitches around thumb opening using another double point. Using a third double point, pick up and knit 4 more stitches around thumb opening. 12 stitches."

    How do I make 12 stitches if I only have four to start with? Do I increase with kfb?? Or is there something I'm missing??

  91. hi there...minx06... can you please email me.... i will be happy to help.

  92. Awesome awesome awesome. Thank you for sharing the pattern, and with such great photos. I got here via the Threadbear Fiber Arts newsletter. Just so ya know. :-)

  93. Leslie, thanks so much for sharing this pattern. I'm making so many for friends and family. They absolutely are in love with them.

  94. Love these, made a pair with merisoft and they are great! Getting ready to make a 2nd pair for my sister so she won't keep trying to steal mine.

  95. Anonymous1/26/2010

    Which needle do you cast the backward loop onto? Thanks!

  96. hi there. i am a little confused as to what you mean by backward loop.

  97. Anonymous1/29/2010

    The pattern for taosty says

    Next round, needle 1: Knit 4, slip next 4 stitches to a piece of waste yarn, CO 4 stitches using the backward loop method, knit to end. Continue knitting in the round until entire piece measures 11 inches. Bind off.


  98. hi there... those 4 stitches go back onto needle 1.

    hope this helps!

  99. I just finished one pair of toasty, love love love! Thanks so much for whipping up a pattern :)

  100. I know I am a little late to the party, but I have been wanting to make these for so long! I thought they would be perfect for the long holiday weekend and I was right. Thanks so much for sharing the pattern!

  101. I absolutely love these gloves and have been knitting pair after pair. Thank you for the pattern!

  102. I found your fingerless gloves pattern and I like it so much. I have just one question. I am making "toasty" and I have arrived at making thumb hole.. When making thumb hole I can see just 8stitches. (4 stitches from wasted yarn and 4stitches from CO stitches..) where can I pick up another 4stiches..? I just can't figure out. Since I am beginner I think there's something I did something wrong or misread the instruction but I can't find out!
    Please help! thank you.

  103. hi yuko!
    so... when picking of for the thumb on "toasty"...
    you will have the 4 from the waste yarn... then 2 at "split" (before you get to the 4 cast on) then 2 from the cast on... the 2 more from the cast on... then 2 at the "split" (edge).
    i hope you understand... i do not have an email address for you.. i hope you receive this!

  104. Thank you sooo much for the quick answer! And I think I figured out. ^_^
    I'm gonna finish the glove as soon as possible. Thanks again!!! yuko

  105. Hi! I just found this pattern, and I love it! :) I am currently working on my first one, and am following the pattern for "Toasty." I am just confused about the thumb.... not sure what to do. This is my first pair of fingerless mittens. If you could help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much, and thanks for such a great pattern! :)

  106. I used your pattern. Sorry the colours dont really do it justice but it was a little competition.
    Thank you so much for the patttern.

  107. Anonymous8/09/2011

    Can't wait to try these~

  108. Anonymous10/26/2011

    Thanks for this pattern! I've just posted my attempt at it on my Stitchcrafter blog.

  109. Oh, thank you so much for posting these! Great for the grocery store!

  110. Nicola1/21/2012

    please help - I dont understand the thumb at all, have searched ravelry and youtube for an answer - but ahggg no!!
    I really want to wear them....

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  112. Thank you for sharing this great idea! I'll cast on right now!

  113. caitlin1/09/2013

    These are fantastic! Quick knit, and something I see myself wearing all the time.

    I wanted a seamless bindoff at the end, and found this video. In case y'all haven't done one before...


  114. Thanks for the pattern idea I have just the yarn to use. I also love toast for all the great photos!

  115. bigone said ...
    I appreciate your post, it's great, hope you will continue to make useful articles like this

  116. I also love toast for all the great photos!

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  118. Anonymous3/25/2013

    please i live in New Zealand what ply is the yarn eg 8plyheyetype

  119. i want to know what ply the wool for your fingerless gloves is as i live in New Zealand and i am having dificulty finding anyone ot help, meaning 8ply or what

  120. game mobileI'm trying some 'Dashing' at the minute (makes a change from little rabbits) but these look super easy and, ooh I might just have to get me some of that tweed to start a pair! Hope your week is going well :)game dien thoai
    I LOVE the simplicity of these. They are beautiful! I've already printed off the pattern. I think several people in my family will be getting these for Christmas. tai game iwin

  121. These look really easy to do..might actually try it :)

    Love your blog, please visit mine :)


  122. I love fingerless gloves but here in Calgary I would freeze wearing them. I made the endpaper mitts last year and basically wear them around the house. Maybe sometime this fall they might work well for me. I love the yarn you used for yours. I have seen a Toast catalogue and agree with you that their products are wonderful. And...the catalogue is photographed beautifully.

  123. Anonymous12/09/2013

    Thanks! I just bought my first ball of nice yarn from a local shop and this project will be perfect for that ball of yarn

  124. I also love toast for all the great photos! !!!

  125. game avatar . Bigone I love it too, mostly for the photography inspiration and have you to thank as i requested a catalog after one of your posts. Thanks, Leslie. tai avatar . tai iwin

  126. hi is there a way to convert this pattern into crochet? i am new and love this pattern!

  127. Hi, maybe I have chubby arms, but I knit 38 stitches, not 34. I find 38 fits me better. 34 stitches, you would have to be very thin. Also, I use 27 stitches for a child's size (age 6-8). These are perfect otherwise, and they make lovely, quick gifts. I use the Lion Brand Bon Bons and embroider a pattern into the bottoms and tops, sometimes a Christmas tree, a rose or a cat or dog for kids.

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  130. Very cool designs you have choosed for fingerless groves. I love to see your designs........!!

  131. Nice review!

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  139. Thanks so much Leslie! Im just waiting on my yarn and needles to make Toast up for Christmas for my daughter! Blessings xo

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  142. I cant say enough good about these! I made my daughters for Christmas in a bright red (a colour she loves) and at first she was ok with them, having not been a big fan of fingerless type gloves. But NOW after a few months she is so in love with them! AND... she said she has gotten so many compliments on them and friends even are wanting some knit up for themselves. I made the ones without the thumb and they were a joy to knit! Thanks again Leslie xo

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    I never thought that there will be a miracle on the internet until i came in contact with Priest Babaka, finally i made it with his help, with his spiritual power which was recommended by a lady in baby center he help before, i never believe it was real until i confirm it now because i have tried so many things to make sure i get pregnant but no luck, immediately i contact him. he did some spiritual prayers and send me a medicine which i took, i got pregnant three weeks after, and i now have a son to show. thank you so much priest and i recommend Priest Babaka for everyone out there that is willing to have a child of her own out there. contact him for help too he is real and powerful, i have confirmed it, contact him on email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka

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    • มีสติสัมปชัญญะทุกหนสำหรับในการลงเล่น ลงวางเดิมพันเกมบาคาร่า พินิจพิจารณา แล้วก็คิดให้ละเอียด เพื่อคุณได้โอกาสสำหรับเพื่อการทำเงินจากเกมบาคาร่าให้ไดมากที่สุด
    • เลือกเล่นเกมบาคาร่า กับเว็บไซต์คาสิโนที่คุณเชื่อถือได้ และก็สามารถมั่นอกมั่นใจได้ว่าคุณจะทำเงินจากเกมคาสิโนนี้จากเว็บไซต์คาสิโนที่คุณเล่นด้วยได้
    กรรมวิธีการเตรียมพร้อมที่พวกเราบอกในข้างต้นนี้ เป็นเพียงแต่ส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งสำหรับในการเตรียมพร้อม ก่อนจะเข้าไปเล่นเกมคาสิโนบาคาร่า คุณจำเป็นมากอย่างยิ่งที่จะจำเป็นต้องจัดแจงในพร้อม เพื่อเงิน เพื่อความสนุกสนาน สำหรับการเล่นเกมบาคาร่า หรือถ้าหากคุณยังไม่เคยทราบว่าจะเลือกเล่นเกมบาคาร่า กับเว็บไซต์คาสิโนไหน สามารถเข้ามาสมัคร เพื่อเล่นเกมบาคาร่าที่เว็บไซต์ของพวกเราได้เลย

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