habu love - a Friend to knit with

habu love

Monday, February 23, 2009

Besides the obvious reasons to cast on for a kusha kusha scarf, my boys came up with a few others......
-to talk on a habu phone
-to build habu towers
-to be a habu pirate

I think my boys are just as intrigued with this "yarn" as I am.  They can't believe that I am knitting with "string".  They must not know the word "thread".
I cast on for this back in November, however haven't knit on it much at all.  Picked it up last night while watching the Oscars and although I had to throw it down several times to watch Hugh Jackman (how great was he?) I managed to make some progress.  I have officially told the boys....hands off the habu!
Have a great one.

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  1. I want to be a habu pirate! What fun...

  2. how funny--can't wait to see how the scarf turns out!

  3. Anonymous2/23/2009

    I wish you luck. I don't think I'll ever make another no matter how beautiful they are. Hugh was awesome!

  4. what a perfect airy little scarf for spring.

  5. Ohhhhh. I love the lace texture that is this scarf. Fantastic. And I imagine it's quite the dream to work through your hands.

    As for me, I know I'd do much better being the pirate and chatting on the phone, habu to habu, with your wonderfully, imaginative boys! String. after all, makes perfectly good sense to me. :)

    A grand Monday of youth & being to you. XO...

  6. Oh, I'm excited to see the scarf. I bet it turns out great.

  7. I need to try Habu... love the pics!

  8. i still haven't made one! i want one. it doesn't take long to get used to the lighter weight of habu and then the knitting can go blazing fast because you can do it blindfolded. great color choice.

  9. i'm sure this will be beautiful. and so good of you to provide entertainment for your kiddos!

  10. ooo, I like the lacy pattern with that texture. (from what I can tell from the picture!)
    I think I will try this out!

  11. Can I be a habu pirate too? Looks like fun.

  12. How fun! I can't wait to see how the scarf turns out.

  13. I have Habu love too, but from afar. I've yet to get my hands on some. But judging from your photos, it sure looks like fun!

    I agree, I loved Hugh last night. Overall, I thought the Oscars were quite good, though I'm still a bit sad that Mickey Rourke didn't win...

  14. I started knitting during the Oscars last night and then I fell asleep ... with needles in the bed- yikes!

  15. That yarn appeals to all ages :)

  16. Hahahaha! I was JUST sitting there thinking "She's letting them touch the Habu!? She is SUCH a nice mom!"

    Aw, damn.

    You got me again. I thought I was escaping but I can just feel the little tentacles pulling me in to Kusha Kusha land...

  17. That's my favorite Habu kit. Although I'm only 1/3 of the way through mine. Perhaps if I had Habu pirates, I'd get a move on!

  18. Too cute!!! My kusha kusha has been at 95% complete for moooonths now! Haha! You've motivated me to take it back out at least in time for spring!!

  19. Anonymous2/23/2009

    I am just as intrigued by the "string" and want to try it someday!

  20. Love the photos! What a neat scarf pattern. I can't imagine knitting with thread, even sock yarn gets me crazy sometimes. I'm too impatient!

  21. finally...you are going to do Habu :)!

  22. Anonymous2/23/2009

    The first photo is so perfect in conveying the integration of our handwork with family life. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Oh, pretty Huba. :)
    I can't wait to see more.

  24. Pretty! Have fun with your "string!" I'm knitting a baby sweater with laceweight on 2's right now...the fine yarn is beautiful...Can't wait to see your lace!

    And wasn't Hugh fantastic?! I'm a huge musicale(s) fan, so I was squealing in excitement through the entire thing, lol.

  25. Anonymous2/24/2009

    That is going to be gorgeous!

    I love boys and how they make everything into a toy!

  26. love your little pirate photo the best!

  27. I love the scarf but love Hugh more, I am hoping someday he & Jude Law will take pity on me & sleep with me.....is it really that much to ask. LOL

  28. shoot---- your kids read this, get rid of that comment.

  29. Boys will be boys I guess :)...good luck on your scarf!

  30. Hey Les, habu is a word I've not heard before. Can't wait to see what you're making.

  31. Anonymous2/24/2009

    Love the habu happenin's - your boys are inventive! My youngest saw me reading this post- his immediate reaction was how wonderful the yarns are, but the habu phones! Now he wants to make one himself.

    I have some habu items as well - sort of keeping them for a 'special' occasion, whatever that may be.

  32. Anonymous2/24/2009

    Since habu is way over my head I'm looking forward to living vicariously through you. I'd be dialing 9-1-1 on the habu phone!

  33. Anonymous2/24/2009

    At least they are creative, right? :)

  34. Can't wait to see your scarf! I gotta get some of that stuff!

  35. Anonymous3/02/2009

    Keep knitting my sweet. It will soon become your most treasured possession!

    PS: I build Habu towers also - it's the only way to stash them in the cupboard!

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