crochet inspiration - a Friend to knit with

crochet inspiration

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

(my turkey's are getting SO big!)
I took this photo on Thanksgiving Day but never made it over here. I really did want to tell you how thankful I am for you visiting this little space. All the kind words you offer all year long are very much appreciated. Also, thanks so much for supporting my little shop. The elves (aka my parents) and I worked in the warehouse to box the chalkboard place mats which are on the way to homes as we speak. Thank you!
I haven't been "a friend to crochet with", yet, however, this book could change that. Pages upon pages filled with crochet inspiration.
There are four chapters that focus on crocheted fabrics, motifs, grannies, and flowers. All detailed to perfection, by Sasha Kagan.
It all looks so unbelievably gorgeous to me.
If you are a friend of mine that likes to crochet, or wants to learn to crochet, Tara at soho would like to share this book with two of you. Leave a comment by Friday, December 3, 5pm EST, and I will have the random generator draw two names.

Happy December!

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  1. I love all the variations of granny squares in that book! Gorgeous work.

    Also, congrats on your chalkboard placemat success :)

  2. I definitely want to learn!

  3. I really want to learn to crochet! Looks like a beautiful book

  4. Katie L12/01/2010

    ooohh.. new to crocheting, though I've knit for a while. Love the book!

  5. it's on my bucket list to learn to crochet a granny square blanket!

  6. I so dig crochet. Check out my latest crochet project:

  7. I first learned to knit about five years ago, but kind of got frustrated and let it go and then last year picked up crochet. I love crocheting but have been regretting that I didn't keep up with the knitting so recently I decided to give it a go. I looooove your toast wristwarmers and decided that would be my break back into knitting project. They turned out gorgeous, I love them and am already working on a second pair. Thanks so much for the pattern. This book looks great, lots of gorgeous crochet going on for sure.

  8. I used to knit and crochet a lot.
    The last few months I've realized I LOVE TO KNIT! I still do crochet and I think it would be fun to make something from this book. Thank you for the opportunity. I just recently found your blog. Love the chalkboard placemats, too.

  9. I've always found crochet daunting, but I'd love to learn!

  10. The book looks gorgeous! I'd love to have some new patterns to attempt :)

  11. i love to crochet almost as much as i love to knit! this book looks great! :D

  12. I want to learn to crochet, would love a crack at that book!

  13. I'd love to learn how to crochet!

  14. Ooo, this book looks fabulous! I know how to do a few basic crochet stitches but I love all the pretties I see in this book.

  15. Thanks for the chance to win this book. It sounds great!

  16. I technically know how to crochet but rarely use it for more than edgings and the occasional coaster. This book would be more than enough inspiration to put the hooking to good use!

  17. Kathleen12/01/2010

    The book looks great! I would love to learn to crochet. Thanks for the chance to win.

  18. Anonymous12/01/2010

    I'm finding that as I become more familiar with knitting, I want to know more about crocheting and how to work with the two. Knitting stretches, usually, and crocheting does not, usually. This can be a great advantage!
    This book looks awsome, thanks for the giveaway!
    rav id: ceweller

  19. I would love to win this book. The chalkboard placemats are gorgeous. I love the idea!

  20. Ooh that looks like a really cool book! I do love to crochet :)

  21. eek! I'm just finally learning to crochet and I love that book. It would be perfect.

  22. My sister totally needs this book!

  23. I have been crocheting for over two years and just learned how to knit a month ago. It hasn't quite grabbed my attention like crochet but I'm keeping at it. I just found your blog and am getting so much inspiration to keep up with the knitting. This book looks fun!

  24. I like the look of this book!

  25. Tricia U.12/01/2010

    I'd love to learn how to crochet. At some point, I'm sure I'll have to incorporate it into my knitting, so no time like the present to learn! Many thanks!

  26. Looks very inspirational. Learning to crochet has been on my to do list this year, but time is running out.... Maybe a new year's resolution for 2011! Meanwhile it is Get Knitting!

  27. I don't crochet but I would learn with this book!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Wow, what a gorgeous book. I taught myself to crochet earlier this year and have been loving it - would definitely like to try some of the designs in there.

  29. I can't get over the book. I learned to crochet in the 80's and everything was SO BULKY. I even knit a grey and lavender acrylic skirt (that thankfully never saw the light of day).
    I pretty much learned to knit to make feminine things; I can't get my head around crochet being figure-flattering. Thank you for sharing!

  30. Hi there,

    Would love to win the book, am I eligible as a Uk reader (lurker)?


  31. I'm still learning to crochet (finished my first crocheted blanket a few weeks ago) but I love it! And your blog!

  32. Thank you. The book looks gorgeous.

  33. i am definitely a friend to crochet with!

  34. I love to crochet! Surprisingly, I can do it - not so much knitting!

  35. I'm just learning - need all the help I can get!

  36. I do so love crochet! And I'm looking forward to a "friendly" package of chalkboards coming my way!

  37. This is exactly what I need - more inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. This would inspire me to learn!

  39. I've been trying to learn to crochet for years!

  40. Enticing crochet book!

  41. Look at all those motifs!! I love crochet flowers and those pictures would give me some GOOD ideas. I like flowers that can be washed and then good as new. I have crochet for over 40 years, but I can still never have enough books.
    Thank you for a wonderful give-away! I hope I win ... te, he, ...

  42. looks a wonderful book, would love to share this with my two young nieces who are desperate to learn to crochet. light bright colours to lift dark moods

  43. Your mats are adorable. Crochet is on my want-to-learn-to list.

  44. would love a chance to learn different crochet techniques especiall small scale crochet.

  45. I am in love with that flower on the cover and would love the book!

  46. Looks beautiful!!!!

  47. I am always so envious when I see my friends at my LYS crocheting. The whole crochet language scares me, but I vow one of these years to make it my New Year's resolution to conquer this new skill. I do adore the granny square and would love to make some colorful afghans. Perhaps this book would make that happen!

  48. Just now I was doing the crochet edge on my second Thorpe (finished two in a week-yay!). I found that hat pattern because of your blog. I love it.

    Thanks for sharing your inspiration and all of the giveaways you do.

  49. I can only crochet a chain and have always wanted to do more. This book would be great!

  50. i am a confirmed knitter, however
    i could be enticed to convert!

  51. oh I've been looking for a cool crochet book- there is one on motifs that is great as well.
    I would love to see this in person

  52. I have attempted crochet in the past but find the one hook so much more complicated than two needles. I would love to try again tho!

  53. Looks gorgeous! Would love to learn a little more crochet - I've only done 1 dishcloth!

  54. i have been thinking.....and think this would be a perfect start!

  55. That looks like a gorgeous book. And we all can use inspiration!

  56. My aunt taught me how to crochet when I was 9. The book looks so great!

  57. Leslie - I have crocheted since I was 8 when my grandmother taught me. I would love to share a flower pin with you. You can wear it on a jacket, a sweater, a scarf or a purse. Email me if you are interested. Can't wait to get my placemats for Anderson!!!

  58. Someday! My 2011 goal is to figure crochet out.

  59. Crochet! Yes, please include me in the drawing.

  60. That looks like one beautiful crochet book! I knit and crochet. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  61. This books makes me want to learn to crochet!

  62. Anonymous12/01/2010

    I have always sworn that crocheting was beyond me, that anything less than two needles left me confused... and yet I really want to learn. Lately I've developed a crush on hexagonal-granny-squares...

    I NEED that book! :)

  63. Angie Keeton12/01/2010

    I would love to win a copy!

  64. I love to crochet. This is such a beautiful book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it. Your chalkboard placemats are delightful.

  65. Not sure if you're opening this giveaway to international crochet lovers, but if you are - count me in! I love the motifs - so instantly gratifying.

  66. Oh, that book's a joy. And I treasure the memory of actually meeting Sasha K years and years ago at one of the very first Country Living Magazine's spring fairs.

    She was a delight. Over the interim decades, Sasha has been able to keep true to her color sense, her love of vintage knit and crochet inspiration, and to lead the rest of us to enjoy the pleasures of knitting and crocheting.

    As you also do! xo

  67. I have done very little crochet but would love to learn. What a nice giveaway & great opportunity to learn. Thanks!

  68. I am a friend that loves to knit and crochet! That book looks insanely wonderful.
    Thank you for another giveaway.

  69. Happy late Thanksgiving. I would love this crochet book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  70. It looks like a beautiful book!

  71. What a gorgeous book. I used to crochet when I was in high school, but lately I've been in love with knitting. This book would definitely motivate me to get back to crocheting.

  72. Haven't crocheted in years but after seeing the photos in this book I think I'll have to find my crochet hook. Gorgeous book, great inspiration!

  73. Wow just in time - I just picked up crochet last week, so would love this book to inspire

  74. Anonymous12/01/2010

    I am a friend and I LOVE to crochet!


    Anne Marie

  75. This looks like a great book of crochet. Fun!

  76. Very colourful and inspirational!

  77. Lisa B.12/01/2010

    I confess, I crochet much better than I knit. Someday I will be as comfortable with the needles as I am a hook. I've seen this book in stores and added it to my wish list it had so many great projects in it! Happy December 1st. I am very thankful for your blog. Love all your posts!

  78. Anonymous12/01/2010

    Maybe I don´t have a chance, but never say never.
    I love crochet. Here in México it´s to difficult find a book like this.
    Love your posts.

  79. I am a knitter, but I recently decided to learn to crochet. I am looking for good books on crochet, and I will have to check this one out..

  80. What a great book! I am a crocheter but I have always been inspired your knitted projects.

  81. Love your chalkboard art! I'm learning to crochet but i am super slow - need lots more practice!

  82. I just learned to crochet, and would love to add that fabulous book to my library!

  83. Anonymous12/01/2010

    I got my chalkboards today! So fun! I'd love to learn to crochet. I need another addiction to add to knitting, spinning, and quilting. Ha!

  84. You mean there really could be life beyond dishrags? I am so happy to have dishrags, this is not a complaint, I'm just sayin...

    And, I agree with Jennifer, I love knitting toast wristwarmers for the violist in my house, thank you thank you.

  85. Looks gorgeous! Pick me!

  86. Ooooooh ... what a beautiful book!

  87. smiling at the success of your shop!

  88. I was here last week, looking at all your wonderful posts, projects, and prettiness! Ended up here again from UK lass in US when I clicked on her link to you! Happy to be back, and I love your blog.

    I've put the Toast, Toasty, and Those Mitts on my list to make . . . but having trouble tearing myself away from the crochet hook!

    Have been busy experimenting with crocheting various flower forms (you can see some of them here: http://www.ravelry.com/projects/alleysally) and having a ball, so the book in your giveaway would be a wonderful addition to the patterns I already know.

    Love your chalkboard placemats, BTW! What an ingenious idea! I may have to give them to my daughter's four-year old fraternal twins (a boy and a girl) for Christmas from their doting Grandma (me!).

    I am constantly impessed with blogs such as yours as the amazing amount of creativity I see displayed in them. (I'm sure men are equally creative, but I don't see the same wonderful things coming out of their blogs. Let's face it: we women rock!)

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  89. I love crocheting. Took me a while to give it a try. Looking for inspiration. This book looks like just the thing.

  90. Anonymous12/02/2010

    I have been croceting since I was 5self taught knitter when I was 35. Find I can never have too many books and this would be a great addition. Thank you for the opportunity Shelly T.

  91. i would sooooo love to be able to pop into soho to see this book inperson....but very much settle for the give-a-way....thanks for the chance...

  92. I am dying to learn to crochet I have the hooks & yarn but just haven't figured it out yet. I want to learn just so I can make granny squares.

    Thanks for having the giveaway.

  93. I would love it!

    Greetings from Switzerland, I always enjoy reading your blog!

  94. Oh, I would love to win this book. I've just finished my first crochet blanket and need another project now!

  95. Would love to enter your drawing.

  96. That picture decides it. I need chalkboard placemats!

    Also, count me in for the book giveaway. I'm a crochet newbie, but this looks like great inspiration to learn.

  97. Anonymous12/02/2010

    What lovely crochet---

  98. Jenny Bennett-Stringer12/02/2010

    Wow!! Beautiful book!!! I have wanted to learn to crochet.

  99. About 4 weeks ago I searched the web for direction on how to crochet. Well, crochet bloggers are unbelievable. Through them I learned and crocheted a doilie and flowers. I would love a look at this book. I am not quite sure that I'll find it in Sout Africa.

  100. My daughter in law loves to crochet and is forever creating beautiful things to share with others. This book would be a lovely inspiration!

  101. The book looks lovely. I would love for you to join us as "A Friend to crochet with." I both knit and crochet and am always looking for new inspiration.

  102. I crocheted before I fell hard for knitting. I'm totally addicted to knitting but the awesome patterns make it so much more fun. This crochet book might get me to pick up a hook again!

  103. A lovely blog! I've just discovered it... Thank you for entering me! xoxo

  104. I am a friend who used to crochet but who hasn't crocheted (is that the right spelling?) in a while. I'd love that gorgeous book!

  105. that looks like a wonderful book. Love the pics.

  106. I have a friend who would be over the moon to have this book. If I'm lucky it will be her Christmas present.

  107. hey....since I can't knit, I may as well not crochet as well!
    xox M

  108. Such inspiration, love to be a part of it!

  109. I just started to crochet...what a great book to learn a bit more!!

  110. inspired!

  111. Beautiful book, but what I really love are the placemats! Ours arrived yesterday and my kids (5th and 8th graders) can't stop drawing. Thank you for so generously sharing your creativity (especially Toast, one of my top to-to gifts). Your blog is always an inspiration.

  112. I love to crochet too so I would love a chance to win this beautiful book!

  113. Anonymous12/02/2010

    I haven't crocheted in a long time, I too am a knitter. Those patterns though look like they may inspire me to pick up my hook :-)

  114. I love the Book I want it please...so pretty!

  115. I'm one of those who'd like to learn to crochet. Scrumptious colors in that book!

  116. Anonymous12/02/2010

    Book looks great!


  117. I am slowly getting back into crochet. I would love some eye candy to inspire and instruct me.

  118. I would love to win this book and give it to my daughter-in-law. She does beautiful crochet work, and I know she would love it.

  119. I need some crochet inspiration!

    Love your blog - so thanking you for all your inspiration :)

  120. I'd love to learn! Thanks for the offer. =)


  121. That crochet book looks wonderful. I have only barely tried it a few times. The book looks quite inspiring. Thanks.

  122. I'm not much of a crocheter, but it's something I would like to work on.

  123. I'm a knitter...not a chrocheter...but I would love to be. I have been looking at crochet items lately and they seem to be coming into their own. I even bought an afghan in gray shades of granny squares last week and can't take my eyes off it. New Year is a time to learn new things...count me in!!

  124. Dabbled in it, really want to do it!
    Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  125. Alison2760712/02/2010

    Wow! I have never seriously thought about trying crochet but looking at these pictures?! I can't wait to get a good look at the book - it's gorgeous!

  126. Alison2760712/02/2010

    I have never seriously considered learning to crochet, but after seeing these photographs?! What a beautiful book - can't wait to see more of it!!

  127. Anonymous12/02/2010

    I AM a friend and live in WI and we need sweaters, shawls, knitted, crocheted - you name it. This weekend: highs of 20 and snowstorm on the way. PLEASE pick me!

  128. I would be thrilled to receive this book! Many thanks to both you and Tara at Soho!
    at jmu
    dot edu

  129. I love to crochet and while I can knit, I always have a slight panic that I am going to drop a stitch. I would love this book for all of the inspirational photos. I can't get enough of crochet photos. I really enjoy your blog by the way.

  130. oooh, i know a few basic stitches but that book would definitely inspire me to learn more!

    i love love love the chalkboards! we recently did a toddler table and section of wall in chalkboard paint here :)

  131. I love to crochet as well as knitting! :)

  132. I actually learned to crochet a bit because of that Be Sweet scarf I started the day we met (I actually finished the scarf!). Thanks for the giveaway.

  133. I don't crochet (still learning to knit), but I have a friend who would absolutely love this!

  134. Anonymous12/02/2010

    How lovely .... the thankful comments and the crochet book! You are the first blog I visit on my blog reading day! Keep up with the sweet and whimisical post...they are a thankful break from a day at work

  135. I have lots of scrap yarn that I want to crochet into a blanket. This book looks like great inspiration!

  136. Yes please - I dont know why I learnt to knit longer ago than I can remember yet never did crochet - tried this year and still learning.

  137. I've just been learning how to crochet, this would be wonderful!!!

  138. I wold love to learn to crochet!

  139. I'd love to have the chance to try out such pretty crochet patterns in the book... it looks great!

  140. Maryvonne12/02/2010

    I also are more a friend to knitting, but maybe it is time to become friend to crochet!

  141. I am a true knitter at heart but I love a sweet crocheted flower!

  142. whoa...it took me five minutes to get to the bottom of the comments! crochet is pretty popular eh!? I know how to do just enough to get by... Hope your thanksgiving was fabulous. My set of chalkboards came and they're set aside to be wrapped up! YEah!

  143. I love to crochet...Pick me Pick me!!!

  144. Beautiful book! Congratulations on your shop.

  145. Lovely, and very inspirational! I would love a chance to will that book, but if I don't I might have to add that to my Christmas wish list.

  146. I HOPE I WIN! I HOPE I WIN! I would love to own this book!

  147. I've always been a bit intimidated by crochet, but these lovely photos are sure inspiring. I think I would pass on the book to my mom! She would love it!

  148. Shannchris12/02/2010

    I'm an avid knitter and sometime crocheter...could use the inspriation!
    (knitting Toast right now).

    : )
    Shannon S.

  149. Anonymous12/02/2010

    Oh I'd love to win this beautiful book! Thanks for the chance.


  150. I too am a knitter, but not a crocheter...I'm so intimidated for some reason. This book looks like a nice way to ease into it...

  151. Christina12/02/2010

    I'd love to make a warm afghan with unique motifs from this beautiful looking book. The placemats are adorable. Do you think my friend would like them for a wedding present? They look like the perfect fun, mealtime decor to begin your new life/family together.

  152. I would love to learn crochet. Thanks for the opportunity! P.S. love the placements...wish my kids were still young enough to love them too!

  153. Marie-Lucie12/02/2010

    I taught myself the basics of crocheting at the age of thirteen, but really never knew how to do granny squares. This book would sure inspire me to accomplish that. Beautiful pictures.

  154. Nadine C.12/02/2010

    I would love to crochet a granny square blanket, hoping this book would be my teacher. Love those place mats, but no little ones yet.

  155. Anonymous12/02/2010


  156. Love it! Would love to work on my crochet skills...can we add more hours to the day or better yet more days to the week...just don't tell my employer. :-)

  157. Katrina12/02/2010

    I would love to have a book that would help me learn to crochet. I can chain stitch, but turning it around and making a second row? Don't be silly!

  158. I've always wanted to learn to crochet... both my grandmothers did, as well as my mom. I would love to learn how to make those lovely granny squares!

  159. I've always wanted to learn to crochet... both my grandmothers did, as well as my mom. I would love to learn how to make those lovely granny squares!

  160. what a beautiful book!

  161. I'm a knitter ready to try crochet. This looks like the perfect book.

  162. Inspiration is the best word in the title! To pick up crocheting again after a long absence would be wonderful.

  163. i really need to learn to crochet- this stuff looks amazing! :)

  164. This book would encourage me to crochet again...I, too,, prefer knitting, but this looks very interesting and wonderful patterns to try. Thanks for the offer.

  165. Looks like a book that could definitely convert a knitter or two to take up some part time crocheting!

  166. Another great book, and another great example of generosity!

    Thank you!

  167. I am fairly new to knitting and have crochet on my list to tackle next! That book looks fab!

  168. This book looks amazing! I have been looking for inspiration for a blanket project!

  169. I haven't crocheted in a long time but this book could be my inspiration. Enter me please!

  170. Anonymous12/04/2010

    I'm a beginning crocheter, and I've been looking for a book of stitches and motifs. This would be perfect for me to sink my, er, hook? into!

  171. I love the chalkboard placemats. What a clever idea! I love to crochet and knit. The book looks awesome with all those granny square patterns. Before long you'll be "hooked";)

  172. I was looking at this book just the other day. Love your blog!

    Dana @ bookgirlknitting.blogspot.com

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