strong and honest - a Friend to knit with

strong and honest

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Me and Libby.  Concert in the park.  June 3, 2012
Some of you have checked in over the past year as you noticed a change in my posting.  Not posting as much.  Not knitting as much.  Not baking as much.  Not taking as many photos.  Not a single thing sewn. The emails meant a lot.
Thank you.

There have been some major shifts in my household as of exactly this time last year.  My husband and I decided to separate and will soon be divorced.  A major life change that was all about learning, adjusting and re-balancing a different life.  A friend reminded me to be "strong and honest" throughout the whole process.  Repeating those words was extremely helpful to me.  I couldn't be more grateful for those two powerful words and the support from my family and friends.  As things change in life one learns to adapt and can only grow from the experience.

I'm gonna try to get back to spending more time doing those creative things I love to do and spending more time on the blog.  I have missed you all a lot.

Onward and upward!

Have a beautiful day!

{Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.  -Dr. Seuss}

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  1. No matter how often you post or what you post about, I'll always be reading leslie. Hugs to you sweet lady.

  2. I just want to send you love, hugs and best wishes. Stay strong.

    "Onward and Upward" indeed. (((HUGS)))

  3. I don't really feel in a position to comment but didn't feel I could leave without saying something either...so can I just send best wishes and hope that it all gets easier? xx

  4. I don't really have anything to say - except I'm sorry. Hugs to you and your family. g

  5. To strength and honesty.

  6. Hello Leslie. I read your blog for a long time but I have never comment anything.
    And today I decided to wish you good luck for the future.
    To be strong and honest about what you feel will be very important.
    Good luck to you and your family.

  7. Hey there my friend! So glad to see you stepping back into it. I've been thinking of you often ;)

  8. Leslie,

    We are all behind you and we have all missed you! Stay strong! The Dr. Seuss quote is the exact one I used this year for my daughter's high school yearbook ad and it is so true! Much love, Kelly

  9. I wish you the best during this time of change.

  10. xoxo, That's a tough road for all of you. I'm sure you're handling it with strength and grace because that's who you are. Hugs from here too.

  11. Hi Leslie, the great thing about YOU and your blog is that what you share sticks with so many people even when your blog is quiet. I have many times made YOUR cookies or thought of YOUR knits or YOUR purple toes and because of you, I am in my second year of the 365 project!

    Wishing you great peace through the transition and welcome back!

  12. I hope to see more postings. I've missed you! (in a non creepy stalker way I promise!)

  13. my best to you, Leslie. strength & honesty are excellent tools.

  14. hugs to you for all you're walking through....strength and honesty will be trusty companions for you along the way. Know that you're in my prayers.

  15. Best wishes to you as you adjust to these changes. I look forward to having you around here more often.

  16. All my years as a Disney cast member have left me with a head full of priceless quotes from Walt - and my favorite for when things just kinda go kerplewie is:

    "You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you"...

    May this be the best thing in the world for you. Bless.

  17. Here's to a new year!

  18. Blessings to you!! I have missed your posts and photos!! Yes, onward and upward!!

  19. I always read your blog,but never comment. I'll say now that i wish you all the best on this new journey. strong and honest is the best way to go through life. :)

  20. It's so difficult to tend to yourself when life's stress and strife brings you down but glad to hear you're going to plan on getting back to the things that make you happy :)


  21. i'm so so sorry. i wish you strength and happiness and awesome things. when i went through a separation a couple of years ago, people told me i'd be ok. but i didn't just want to be ok. i wanted to be awesome. here's to you being awesome!!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. strong, honest, and BRAVE!
    big hugs to all our friends!

  24. I'm sure all the best is ahead of you! It's fun to check on you once in awhile.

  25. From what I have seen from you through your blog I'm sure you will navigate this next chapter in your life with the beauty and grace that shines through here in this space. Postive thoughts sent your way to you and your family!! And I love the quote...I want to stencile it in the hallway for my children to read...it is so true!!

  26. you know i'm here, cheering you on. feeling amazed and inspired by your strength and honesty. xoxo.

  27. you know i'm here, cheering you on. feeling amazed and inspired by your strength and honesty. xoxo.

  28. I still have been checking on your blog even if it wasn't as often. This is a huge life change for all of you. Take care of yourself and your family. Thanks for being honest and letting us in! We will still be here.

  29. strength & honesty...well said!

    wishing you the very best~



  30. Strong and honest with incredible grace. That's who you are and all that you give. Presence goes well beyond frequency and words. It's about spirit. And that, too, you possess.

    Peace out and here's to a beautiful life, one day at a time!

  31. neveen6/07/2012

    Hi Leslie
    I just wanted you to know that your blog is something that I always look forward to reading . It really is the little things in life that make it worth while. Keep strong and know that you are truly loved by so many followers
    xo neveen

  32. I strongly and honestly missed you, thought of you often and hoped you were well. Am thrilled to hear you'll be back.

  33. I am so so glad you're still here.

  34. i've missed you, too, and am sorry to hear that you've experienced this pain. strength and honesty. great words.

  35. I hope for the best for you and your family. I'm glad you have a good support system to lean on. =)

  36. Strong and honest! That sure sounds good! Big hugs!

  37. I've missed your beautiful photos and blog posts...I felt something was amiss/changed in your life...stay strong and know that you have a lot of support among your online friend. xoxo

  38. Have been missing you. Glad to hear you will post more often. I hope to retire next year and have more time for all the creative pursuits I love. My motto, thanks to the wonderful Maurice Sendak, is " let the wild rumpus begin!"

    I hope the same for you.

  39. My best to you and your family, and I'm glad you are back. Dr. Suess said it best!

  40. Anonymous6/08/2012

    Love your blog and am going to cast on a pair of 'Toast' to honour you across the pond! Hope everything works out for you and your family x

  41. Sending hugs to you!

  42. I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your projects. I can understand exactly what you are going through... I too, this past year have separated and recently (as in just a couple of weeks ago) got divorced. Now my ex husband is getting remarried in two weeks. This most certainly has been a year of grieving, hurting, learning, and now finally, moving forward...
    I hope and pray the best for you as your life is now so different. Keep looking forward, not in the rearview mirror...

  43. I wish you and your family all the strenght, wisdom and love you need. A big hug from The Netherlands.

  44. I like your blog. I like your "voice". And I am delurking today to say thank-you, and to wish you bon courage during this time of change.

  45. Leslie, those are good words to live by no matter what. I have missed your wit and wisdom and craftiness and figured life was busy. Sending you a hug and I know you will be able to live up to those words that have helped you so much.

  46. Claudia6/08/2012

    This is my favorite knitting blog - because, in addition to great knitting projects, you are strong and honest!

  47. Anonymous6/08/2012

    I have loved your voice from the first minute I stumbled onto it and I will continue to love it as long you are in a place to share it with us.... knitting or not..... baking or not....

  48. Wishing you all the best Leslie, and I'm excited that you will be sharing your creativity with us again. You were missed.


  49. I have wanted to write and check on you, but I am only a person who reads your blog and talks to you here. Hugs to you as you travel this road and find beauty along the way and on the other side. Strength, beauty and grace - that is my wish for you.

  50. Anonymous6/08/2012

    Stay strong. You will make it through. I have the Dr Seuss quote at the bottom of your post on a large green board on one of my kitchen walls. Words to live by.

  51. Wishing you all the best.

  52. Oh, Leslie. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Many, many hugs to you, my friend, and I hope that the dust settles for you soon.

  53. I am sorry for the difficult time you must be going through. I do think it's important to remember the things that bring you joy (photography, knitting) and to take care of yourself! Best of luck in your new normal!

  54. Stay strong. Your blog has always been such an inspiration and so unique (made strawberry cake the other day and am working on a quilt, both from your posts). Best wishes, great post today, so positive.

  55. Stay strong, blog land will be here when you return. Wishing all the best.

  56. Anonymous6/08/2012

    Tough times for your household~I am sure. Praying for healing, guidance and love to surround you from your family and friends. Please know your blog friends love you dearly and truly look forward to the joy you share through your crafts and gorgeous photos. I too, have missed this greatly! Hugs~Jan

  57. Hugs to you and your family. I hope for the best for you.

  58. Anonymous6/08/2012

    I'm so sorry to hear this is the reason you haven't been posting much this year. I love the Dr. Suess quote--I need to write that one down and read it every so often, because you can't live a full life without being true to yourself. Please take care, and look forward to new posts!

  59. This must be a relief to finally share this with your readers...and they matter.

    From my own experience, going through something like this can really drain your creative energy- your energy was needed elsewhere. I am overjoyed to see you are on the way back!

    You, my dear friend, will be fine; we all will.

    And remember....Be yourself....everyone else is taken!
    (I know you already know that:)

    I love you!!! xoxooxo M

  60. oh...and now can we do something about flicker?? I miss your photos like crazy! xoxo

  61. I'm so sorry to hear about your PAST, and so happy to hear about your bright and exciting future.

    You will be STRONGER! I wish you every possible happiness, and expect that you will be very happy, because of your possitive outlook.

    Oh . . . and I love the jumping photo. That is exactly what Summer is meant to be!

  62. Anonymous6/08/2012

    As a longtime follower, I am so honored that you have shared this news. Of course, I had wondered why your posting/knitting/baking/photograhy had changed. I wish you nothing but the best during this transition and I look forward to seeing your creativity reemerge.

  63. I have missed you greatly. you have been my inspiration many times for knitting and baking. I am sure you will get back to it all when the time feels right. In the mean time, please know that many of us send you a big warm hug. I wish you peace and happiness which you so richly deserve.

  64. Anonymous6/08/2012

    Leslie, I've missed your frequent posts and was hoping it wasn't because of some hardships... So sorry that was indeed why. Thank you for being so honest with all of your readers and remember,stay strong and honest and TIME does in fact help/heal just like one knit or purl at a time or one click of the camera. Here's hoping that Knitting or photography (something just for you) can help make things brighter and lighter again :)

  65. I've kept you on my reader even though your posts have been infrequent. Some of my favorite cookie recipes (and sweaters!) are from your blog. Wishing you the very best as you stretch toward new horizons.

  66. Don't worry - we will be here whenever you decide to post. Good luck to you.

  67. *hugs!* I wish you all the best and I hope that you find joy and solace in crafting again! We miss you!

  68. Stay strong and be happy. You can do it! Hugs from across the miles, from your old friend.

  69. sending lots of Scottish love and good wishes for the future. x

  70. Oh Leslie, I'm so sorry to "hear" this news. Always look forward to reading the latest but, this was a surprise.
    Sending strength, best wishes and hugs your way.

  71. oh dear, you are brave and strong. i have been there too and looking back, i think the last thing i felt was strenght, but it was there. sending love friendship and support from california
    LOVE the photo, hee hee.

  72. So sorry to hear, but know that you and your family will be fine. I have been down that road, and while it is difficult, life is still good. Best wishes.

  73. Put Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive on the cd player, turn it up & just dance. You will survive.

  74. Anonymous6/09/2012

    Hang in there.
    I love your blog and will continue to check in to read... whenever you're ready.

  75. Anonymous6/09/2012

    Strong and honest are two characteristics you demonstrate through your blog. Take care as you begin the next phase of your journey. I look forward to your knitting, photos, recipes - whenever you are ready.

  76. Excellent advice. Take plenty of time for yourself :)

  77. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through such a difficult time. Yours was the first knitting blog I discovered years ago, & I've been so inspired by (& copied ;) many of your wonderful knits. And after reading your blog for all this time, I'm convinced you're the type of strong level headed person who will come out of this as well as anyone possibly can.
    Blessings to you & your family,
    G16 reclic

  78. take good care...thinking of you xx

  79. Wishing you all the best as you move forward!

  80. There are seasons in life that require a person to reprioritize activities. The nice thing about knitting is that you can always pick it back up after months or even years and it is like a long lost friend. Things will get better with time. Do the things that nourish your soul.

  81. Anonymous6/11/2012

    the only constant thing in life is change! go with it and it will bring happiness, fight it and you'll be miserable.
    knit on!

  82. SheriB6/11/2012

    Like many of the other comments, I read your post and felt like I had to say something - thank you for your blog, your honesty and I send you only positive thoughts for your and your kids in the future...

  83. Big hugs to you friend.

  84. I have missed your posts.

    In a similar spot myself about 6 yrs ago. At that time, I stumbled on this quote, "Barn's burnt down and now I can see the moon" - Masahide. So true. Much happier and whole now.

    Love the Dr. Seuss quote. Best wishes to you.

  85. Always look for your posts. You and all of yours are in my prayers and meditations.

  86. Anonymous6/12/2012

    that is a great quote!

    So sorry you and your family are going through this...hugs to you and looking forward to seeing more of you around...you've been missed!

  87. Love to you Leslie. Strength and honesty are admirable qualities.

  88. I look forward to your posts whenever you feel the draw. Your creative spirit has lifted me on darker days, and I hope you are finding the fog lifting and the sun shining more frequently. Your family will be in my prayers as you transition to this new destination.

  89. I did notice and I didn't say anything. I'm sorry to hear about your life shifts, but honesty is the best policy and it will all come right in the end.

  90. xoxoxo
    i'm always here, leslie.

  91. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Sending hugs and good thoughts your way.

  92. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Be honest, be strong, so just be yourself, as it seems to me you are and remained strong and honest, Leslie.
    I've been there a while ago and as tough as it looked at the time, today I am quite glad I went through the whole experience since I learned so much in general and most important, I learned so much about myself...

    Tons of love from Switzerland, take good care of yourself
    Michela (remember me? I'me the one with the husband that refers to you with the sentence" Oh yeah, your American friend that doesn't know you are friends!"... well, I still missed you, no matter if you know that we are friend or not!)

  93. Oh my goodness, Leslie! :( This has surely been an extremely difficult time for you and your family and I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers! And you really can't go wrong with strength and honesty -- what great advice. Sending a virtual hug your way.

  94. Leslie, you are a wonderful inspiration and I will always be a loyal reader. Thank you for your uplifting posts. Keep your chin up.

  95. I'm sorry - that must have been rough. But onwards and upwards eh? Glad to see you back.

  96. Good luck and love with the new chapter of your life. x

  97. green butterfly6/13/2012

    Dear Friend, We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us- Joseph Campbell. Good luck, Jennifer

  98. ♥ ♥ ♥
    This post.... just hugs.

    P.S. I nominated your blog for the Sunshine Award, because reading your blog cheers me up.

  99. as a survivor of divorce, i do know that you'll soon SMILE, LAUGH, LOVE and LIVE again. my heart and prayers go to you and your family. strong and honest...best thing i've heard in a while. Thank you!!

  100. Oh Leslie, I wish I could give you a big hug...I know people who have been through this and it is not easy, but they all come out of it okay. Things happen for a reason, even bad things, to make for the new good things that are in store for you. Stay strong, girlfriend!!

  101. Love your blog, love your knitting, love your recipes, love your photography. Your light shines through in all of those creative outlets. All of your readers send you big hugs and good wishes as you move to the next chapter in your life. Be true to yourself. It was my grandmother's favorite saying. I try to live by it, and may it help you as you move forward. Thanks for the Dr. Seuss quote! Just keep on knitting!!! (like Dory says in Finding Nemo about swimming!) My 11 year old daughter says it to me when I have a challenging day.

  102. Leslie, Your blog was the first blog I ever read, and I have been checking in religiously every day for the past few years. You inspire me. Your creativity, kindness, and willingness to share with your readers is greatly appreciated. Know that your children have an amazing Mom. I truly believe that the best is yet to come!
    Peace and hugs!

  103. Leslie,

    I'm a long time reader of your blog. I don't know you but feel like I do as I'm sure many other people do as well.

    I wish all good things for you on this new journey that you are embarking on.

    Rhode Island

  104. Anonymous6/15/2012

    I read your blog often - I love the name you chose for it - and the beautiful things you post...I hope you are doing ok. A hug is being sent to you from Malden, Massachusetts.


  105. Such a hard thing to go through. I like your mantra, strong and honest. Much love to you.

  106. Like everyone else I've missed your posts. I had hoped you were just involved in something creative and lost track of time. Thank you for trusting us with your thoughts and feelings. It's obvious you have many people out here who care. I send my best

  107. take the time you need

    "Remember, you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
    Christopher Robin

  108. My favorite Dr Seuss quote is "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

    Lady, You are sure to shine!

  109. Best of luck to you and your children... hang in there, it gets better. :0)

  110. dana meadows6/18/2012

    i agree with buffy alten..it does. having been divorced twice i have a learned a lot about myself from both. it is hard and it is painful, but being in a relationship that isnt working is far worse. i am now in a marriage of seven years to a man i never would have found had i stayed in those flawed relationships. not only that, but i love myself enough to have let myself find him! not sure what your situation was, but the best of luck to you! i have really missed your blog! my knitting and crafts keep me sane! get back to it!

  111. Poke.

    As annoying as the poke function on Facebook can be, sometimes a poke can convey what words cannot.

  112. nw.islandmama6/21/2012

    Your blog has been such a favorite of mine for several years. I wish you and yours well. That Dr. Suess quote is the greatest thing I've read all year!

  113. Leslie I hardly ever read blogs anymore nor to I even keep my own, but I am popping in here to give you big, giant squeeze. You are a bright light and a stone cold fox and you will make it through this rough patch. xoxo H

  114. Leslie, sending you lot's of hugs and well wishes. I haven't been reading blogs, but decided to check in on your knitting since I love all your ideas, and read this. I know how hard these situations can be and your friends advice is right on. You will come out on top when the dust settles. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  115. sending you more hugs and happy days ahead!

    (p.s. you are not alone!)

  116. Anonymous6/24/2012

    Have read your blog for awhile...know these may be difficult times for you and your family (been there myself)-but things will get better. Love your mantra "strong and honest"--awesome words to live by. Sending hugs and best wishes your way! Thinking of you-

  117. All endings are difficult, but I'm hopeful that your next chapter will be a good one. I like your onward and upward mentality and that great Seuss quote. Take care, Denise

  118. hoping the process is ending soon. sending you so much love and support. :-)

  119. We miss you and hope you are back soon.

  120. lovely you have a great blog. please check out mine too and tell me what you think :)

  121. And look at me checking in nearly a MONTH later...

    Much love and continued strength to you, friend. Hugs.

  122. Hi Leslie! I just found you... and I'm so glad I did!

    I recently went through a divorce (well 18 months ago) and it is really, really hard! If I could give you any advice, it would be similar to your friends... except I would say "Maintain your dignity at all times and you will come out on top." Divorce can bring out the ugly in people, the sides you've never seen, but it is possible to come out of it with your head held high and your dignity in tact.

    Wishing you all the best. I'm so glad I've found you and I'm eager to get to know you better... I promise you that you will be stronger than you ever thought possible...



  123. So sorry to hear that you've had a rough go of it this year. I hope you are adjusting well and doing ok. Love your blog and hope you get back to doing the things you love!

  124. Anonymous7/15/2012

    Welcome back!

  125. New to your blog. I read your post about your life changes. I hope all has worked out for you. Love your patterns. You are very talented. God Bless!

  126. I love the Seuss quote! I found your blog today for the rag bracelet post. I'll be coming back to your blog to read more. Hugs!

  127. leslie, i have been "away" for too long and just came back to read this. you are still as inspiring as ever!
    i've missed you...sandy

  128. I'm sorry for your loss, I guess that's what it is, but I hope you and your children are okay, that life is looking brighter and you are finding your way to a new happiness.


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