moving on - a Friend to knit with

moving on

Friday, October 24, 2014

Thanks so much for all of your well wishes.  I so appreciate them.  
I truly have learned so much over the last few years.  It's been a major time of growth.  And one thing that I reminded myself over and over and I share with my kids is... Don't let anyone dull your sparkle
So, there has been a lot of packing.  
And a lot of unpacking.   
With a new front door where yarn will be delivered.   New back drops for photos.  (Libby has been scoping out new headless sweater photo locations.)
And a new yard for Trouble to roam.  It all feels so good.

I absolutely love the packaging of WOOL AND THE GANG. A really, really fun piece of mail to receive! I'll be casting on for this quick knit this weekend.  Hope your weekend involves some yarn, too.

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  1. A move can be so exciting and scary all at the same time. So many new things to experience and figure out. Good luck! It looks like a beautiful place. I love the big trees!

    We have an Airedale too! :-)

  2. Aww. Trouble. So cute. And such an exciting time for you! Congrats on your new home, too! Looks awesome.

  3. This is going to be an exciting new chapter. I can sense it already.

  4. What a lovely space it looks like. Your dog is cute.

  5. congrats on your new life! many blessings to you! i love that line, "don't let anyone dull your sparkle!" i'm going to use that!

  6. Wishing you much joy as you begin to build happy memories in your new home!

  7. Congratulations Leslie,
    You look so happy!!

  8. Congratulations on all your life changes. Best of luck. I am following in your footsteps. After being divorced for 8 years, I am marrying my best friend (he waited a long time for me to finally say yes) in 2 weeks. I am also moving. Exciting and a little scary. But I think change is going to be wonderful, for you and for me.

  9. It sounds so exciting and wonderful, hope it all brings you and your family much happiness.

  10. all of this just puts a smile on my face. xo.

  11. Wishing you a smooth and happy move to a new place to make more wonderful memories!

  12. wishing you a world of happiness! Love your Trouble...we have been Airedale owners forever! Usually 2...I hope you will continue with your blog...

  13. I'm so happy for you and your new life. What a nice kit for a welcome home gift.


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