progress - a Friend to knit with


Friday, March 13, 2015

I think that was one of the fastest weeks I ever had.  With absolutely no time to bake.  
However, knitting happened.  I'm starting to see some progress on my Princess Fiona.  The front and back are joined and the lace pattern is started.  Although, it did gave me a little trouble, as I was knitting it along the right side, not the left.  Ugh.  Ripped it out and ready to start again.  
Into my second skein of chickadee.  Love to see the pile dwindle.  

Happy Friday the 13th!  

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  1. I feel like it's been a crazy week for everyone-maybe it's Daylight Savings kicking us all in the butt? Anyway, I love seeing the progress on your Princess Fiona.

  2. oh, that is lovely yarn! (our week has been crazy, too. i've barely sewn!)

  3. I can't wait to see more of this!

  4. Leslie did you ever post the thumb technique for Toasty?

  5. Ooh, I'm envious of you. I have been eyeing Quince & Co. for the longest time. One day I hope to get my hands on some.

  6. So pretty!
    Love what you are creating...the colour...gorgeous!
    Blessings xo

    All my heart,

  7. Just found your blog... love it. I love the Princess Fiona sweater - it's been in my queue waiting for me to knit it! And I've always wanted to try Quince & Co yarn. Planning to find it on a trip to Maine this summer.

  8. I LOVE this pattern. I'm just a beginner (working my way through my first project, the madelinetosh mara shawl), but once I found it I went ahead and bought the pattern - it's in an aspirational knits file :)


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