our sweet trouble - a Friend to knit with

our sweet trouble

Thursday, May 14, 2015

We had some new furniture delivered yesterday.  I can only imagine that when Trouble saw those french doors wide open, with delivery men coming in and out, how her heart started to race.  Space.  Wide, open space.  It's too bad that I wasn't home.  The guarder of all doors.   "Close the door!"  "Did you lock the gate?"  "Who left that door open?" Cause if I would have been, I would have kept her in a closed room.  However, I wasn't.  And, off she ran.  To the wide open space that she sees only in her dreams.
 I can also only imagine how fast she was running.  How the muscles in her legs stretched into spaces they never had.  And how her senses were exploding with all of the wonderful smells.  Never once looking back at the walls where she lives.
I hope she ate a mole for dinner.  And chased a bunny down it's hole.  I hope she chased the deer and when she was tired stopped.  I hope she dug the deepest hole in the earth and covered her sweet body with the forest.  But what I hope most is that she senses our hurt hearts and she comes home to us, today.

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  1. Leslie - I know exactly how you are feeling. Our sweet sheltie ran off (under similar circumstances)many years ago. We were heartbroken. But the unbelievable part? A full month and a half later, I was taking a nap on the couch and woke up to a quiet scratching on the front door - our dog had returned! We never knew where he was, but joy abounded. This is my wish for you too - that dear Trouble will find her way back to home. Hugs and love xo

  2. Oooh nooo. Wishing her home for you. One of our dogs ran from a loud noise and we found her a week later. She was safe and sound. Best wishes for a similar outcome.

  3. Awwwww....I pray she comes back to you safe and sound. Being the guarder of doors and gates myself, I truly understand.

  4. Hang in there -- I too would be having a heart attack. I have Kerry Blue Terriers (well, I'm down to one girl) -- and hope she returns soon!

  5. I am so, so sorry-reading this broke my heart. Praying she comes home to you soon...

  6. Oh no! All my thoughts with your family right now, and I hope Trouble finds her way back to you safely and soon <3

  7. Ohhhhhhh...I hope your precious companion is home soon. They are so much a part of us, yet they sometimes make bad decisions. I hope sweet trouble had an adventure and returns to tell you about it.

  8. Oh no, Leslie. I can only imagine how much you are hurting and how much anxiety you must be feeling. I hope she finds her way home very, very soon and you all have a good cuddle.

  9. Oh, I'm so sorry this has happened. I hope that by now she is back to you. You will be in my thoughts.

  10. Maureen5/14/2015

    This also happened to me...and our sweet dog found his way back home after a two week party with his friends. He looked well fed and none the worse for wear! I'm praying that Trouble returns sooner than later...after a grand adventure!

  11. oh no, how terrible! I will keep my fingers crossed that he will be found and returned safely. My cat did the same thing a few years ago, and after a week and blanketing the neighbourhood in posters, we got a call- he was hiding on someone's patio. And he was so glad to come home, he has never run out the door since.

  12. Oh no, hoping and praying that Trouble returns quickly.

  13. oh dear, I do hope you find her soon xxx

  14. Oh, no! What a beautiful dog. I hope your troubles come back soon.

  15. Oh dear. I hope she comes home or someone finds her and brings her home. Everyone at our house (furry and otherwise) will say a special prayer that she shows up. Take care.

  16. Oh no. I hope she's had her fun and she's back and cuddled up with lots of love. Hoping for a safe return. x

  17. Pleaseohpleaseoh please Let this have a happy ending!

  18. Oh, Leslie. I am so, so sorry. I hope she's home safe and sound soon.

  19. I can't wait to see the Instagram that Trouble is home.
    I'll be sending good thoughts your way

  20. oh, please! oh, please! let Triuble be ok and come home soon!

  21. Praying trouble comes back to you. I hope trouble comes home.

  22. Oh dang. As one who used to own a Wire Fox Terrier I can sympathize. My brother was the only one who got her to circle back. Good luck on getting this canine home.

  23. Anonymous5/14/2015

    I hope she returns home to you soon.

  24. Oh Leslie, my heart aches for you. Be sure to contact every shelter within a 50 mile radius....I read somewhere that is the recommendation in this case. I hope Trouble heads home fast!

  25. oh, sweet trouble! praying for her safe return.

  26. Praying for Trouble's safe return and all the people who keep her safe until she finds you again.

  27. Geepers--I wonder why your called her "Trouble"? lol really cute baby doggie though...hugs, Julierose

  28. Oh, Trouble.....do come home. We had a dog with wanderlust, too.....found myself many a day chasing him (in the car...which he recognized and ran even faster), throwing bits of pork tenderloin out the window. (He apparently loved pork tenderloin more than the wide open spaces.) Now, I have a pup who literally trips me up....never leaving my feet. EVEr.

    What goes on in those doggie heads! She looks like a well loved friend; I'm sure she will be well taken care of before her trip home.

  29. I hope you sweet doggie returns safely to you and your family!

  30. Anonymous5/15/2015

    My heart is breaking for you. Hoping for good news today.

  31. So sorry she has 'fled the coop'. I hope she comes back to you really soon. Keep us posted.

  32. ((Hugs))
    Hope your sweet pet comes home to you soon.

  33. I read this post and my heart lurched. I'm sending prayers and hugs that Touble comes home safe and sound. I had a similar experience with an unhappy outcome years ago.
    Keep us posted!

  34. My sweet Ashley Rose ran through an open garden gate on Wednesday morning and we haven't found her. She is 15, very frail and deaf. I am literally beside myself. She completely vanished. So, I can empathize and I wish us both returned dogs!

  35. newknitter25/16/2015

    Hopeing sweet trouble finds the way home hearts and hugs

  36. i have never had a dog run away for more than a few painful minutes. i can only imagine what your family is going through. i hope miss trouble has a great adventure and then realizes being on her own is not all it's cracked up to be and comes home to her family! never give up hope...terriers are smart and i hear stories of dogs being lost for weeks and being found

  37. OMG - This breaks my heart and brings back painful memories. We once lost our Westie Greta and after a long night of searching the neighborhood, it turned out that someone had found her and turned her in to the Humane Society within an hour of when she was lost. We got a call from the Humane Society the next day letting us know we could come pick her up. Though we were so relieved to get her back, that was the most stressful, horrible night ever, which will always be ingrained in my mind. I pray that your sweet Trouble is found and returned to you!!

  38. Anonymous5/16/2015

    Please tell us when you find her ... as soon as you find her. This is very very sad for you indeed but now that you've blogged it we are included too. Thinking of you. Holding hope strong.

  39. Leslie, I hope Trouble is back soon!! Safe and sound.
    Sending prayers.

  40. I hope Trouble is found or comes home very soon.

    In case it helps, this is a free site for people to post information about lost/found dogs using the persons zip code.

    Talking to people in your own area. surrounding neighborhoods and parks (walkers, runners, people outside in yards) is very important.

    Also make sure to ask everyone you speak with to let their family or friends know she is missing too which can be a big help. Flyers are a great tool to reinforce your message.

    Check shelters daily for any recent dogs that were found.

    I know this journey is difficult and incredibly painful. But the more people in the streets, parks and neighborhoods are aware, the better chance you have to come across someone who may have already seen her or contact you when they see her.

    I will be thinking positively for Trouble and your family being reunited very soon.


  41. Yes Hang in there, My Bouvie was missing 4 day and all of a sudden she was found a road over from ours just walking and looking lost coming out of a wooded area. If you have a wooded are near you home you should check it out. I will pray for you and your family,

  42. Although I don't know you at all. But my thoughts are with you. I hope your little Trouble will be back soon. I have a dog too, luckily she always looks were we are and don't go anywhere without us. Good luck finding her!!!!

  43. Oh no!!!! My positive thinking is being sent your way for Trouble's safe return.

  44. Anonymous5/20/2015

    What's the status on Trouble? I have been thinking of you/her daily since you posted. So sad for you all but hopeful that you are reunited.


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