she's home! - a Friend to knit with

she's home!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Friends!  I am so sorry to get over here so late.
Trouble was found on Monday!!!   Four weeks and five days after she ran for her adventure.  
{Still wearing the bandana and collar she left home wearing.  Oh, if only we could see where this traveled.} 
We had a call around 2:30 on Monday afternoon from a sweet family that Trouble was in their back yard.  The family had recognized her from the posters hanging around town.  It truly was an amazing feeling.  We are not sure if she was in the heavy woods the entire time or just making her way back to us.
We've been to the Vet.  She has lost 17lbs and they are running a few tests, but everything else looks pretty good.  We then stopped by the groomer for a nice bath and a little trimming.  Trouble is on a bland diet of small frequent meals.  Hoping to pack on some pounds.  That combined with a whole lot of Love should hopefully do the trick.  She doesn't seem to want to leave our sides.

I can't even begin to tell you how grateful we are for your prayers, thoughts and kind words.  Those who had similar experiences, I held your stories close to my heart.  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

AND, she came home on the same day I picked my mom up from the airport.  AND saw a rainbow flying high over the city on our drive back home.  What a beautiful day.

Happy Day to you, friends.  xx

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  1. Anonymous6/17/2015

    This has made my day - I am so happy that your baby is home with you!

  2. Anonymous6/17/2015

    Finally, she's home... So so happy for you all :-)
    Cheeers from Switzerland, from an Italian virtual friend, 2 Spanish rescued dogs and 3 very European cats!

  3. I will be smiling all day thinking of this. Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful news.

  4. This made me cry Leslie! I'm so glad she found her way home!

  5. Anonymous6/17/2015

    Hi Leslie. I've been reading your blog for years yet have never posted before (sorry). But I can't tell you how happy I am that your sweet pup has been returned to you! Congrats! Beth

  6. So pleased for your good news!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. With tears in my eyes for you, so delighted to read your good news. Isn't that the best! Not surprised that she stays so close to your side. You must all be so relieved and happy to have her home. Hugs from a knitting dog lover in Canada!

  8. Leslie, what a fabulous Happy Ending to the mystery of Trouble. If only Trouble could tell the tale.

    (Also grand to have your Mom and the rainbow arrive!)


  9. What fabulous news!!! I've been coming to your blog hoping for this news. So happy for you. Enjoy having your Trouble home (and your Mom!!).

  10. This makes me so happy! I am so glad Trouble is home safe and sound. I can't imagine the stress you had while she was gone and the relief you must feel to have her back in your rightful spot at your side.

  11. This makes my day! SOOOO HAPPY!!!

    Give her a kiss from me, and enjoy having her back home. xoxo

  12. I am so glad. When I saw on IG I might have jumped up and down.

  13. Big hugs to you! And Trouble. I am in tears. How dumb is that?! So happy for you. I know the feeling when my cat was found. She laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep purring. This from the cat who doesn't want to be held, petted, etc!

  14. Anonymous6/17/2015

    I am so happy to hear that. I found your blog on the day you posted she had gone missing, I have checked every day since for news of her return. I am so happy to hear that she is back. What a relief for you all.

  15. What a glorious day for you! I have tears of happiness!

  16. A whole lot of Love always does the trick. I never stopped praying for dear Trouble, and all the while I never stopped believing that she would indeed find her way home to you. My squeal of joy when I saw that she had been found would have made one think that it was ~my~ dog who had gone missing. Our collective furry friends mean the world to us all! Hugs to you and your beautiful family. My heart sings that you are all together again. <3

  17. MIchelle B.6/17/2015

    This is the best news! I haven't commented before but Trouble and your family have been in my thoughts constantly since I first read she was missing. I would find myself checking your blog frequently hoping for this very news. I am so happy for you. I bet she is just as happy to have found you again! Now if you could only get her to tell you of her adventures. :)

  18. I just KNEW she would come back to you.
    I felt it in my heart -
    I am so happy, Leslie!!!

  19. I am so happy for all of you! amazing Trouble... ❤️

  20. in tears at your happy ending. So glad she is home with you! They are such a huge part of our families and our hearts.

  21. hooray!!! What an awesome feeling, getting your beloved Trouble back! Man, the stories he must have from his adventures! I bet he's glad to be back home and near the good food and love again.

  22. Such a wonderful outcome! I'm sure Trouble is so happy to be home. :)

  23. On my way home from work yesterday I received a call from my sister that Trouble was found. Like others I have been checking your blog and praying everyday for Trouble to return home. I am so happy she was not injured during her travels. When I read your blog this morning I got all choked up with the details. So happy for everyone. Please keep us posted on her recovery.

  24. The BEST news!! I have tears in my eyes. What JOY!

  25. Susan M6/17/2015

    YEAAAAAAA!!!! I've been thinking about you and praying everyday!!! So glad that Trouble is home!

  26. Anonymous6/17/2015

    So, so happy for you all! Can only imagine how joyful the reunion was!!

  27. Anonymous6/17/2015

    Yay, I'm so glad your sweet dog is home! I think you had so many of us worried & praying for her return.

  28. I'm so happy for you. I've been checking your blog hoping to see this news!

  29. SO happy! Bless her! X

  30. Wonderful news! I am so happy for all of you!

  31. Such wonderful news! I'm so glad Trouble found her way back to you :)

  32. Oh happy day and the picture is just what I have been hoping to see soon!

  33. SO happy Trouble is home!!!!

  34. Now that is a wonderful day indeed!

  35. yay! I'm so glad that she came home. How wonderful :)

  36. I am so happy for you and your family. I was so excited when I saw the picture of Trouble, I have been checking your blog every
    day and when I saw Trouble I squealed with happiness. Now summer looks awesome!

  37. AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. I may have squealed when I read this post. I am so very happy that you have your baby home. Enjoy! C x

  39. kathleen6/17/2015

    Ditto to all the "hoorays" and sqeauls and exclamation points!! What happy, happy news!

  40. That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you.

  41. Whew! I am sooooo happy for you and your family, but especially Trouble.

  42. Anonymous6/17/2015

    This is really amazing - very unusual. You are so lucky. Can you tell us more - how far from home was she found? How large is the area she might have been lost and liviing in? It can give hope to other pet owners that have lost dogs. It is great you told us you put up signs - how far and wide? We do hope you will blog further about this and about Trouble's recovery.

  43. Priscilla6/17/2015

    This does my heart good. I'm so happy that Trouble is reunited with your family. Enjoy!

  44. Debbie6/17/2015

    So happy to hear the good news!!! I've been checking back often hoping that Trouble returned to you. Our pets really are family, aren't they!?

  45. :D YEAHHHHHHHHH. I love when it's a happy ending!

  46. I saw this on InstaGram and I have to tell you - I'm so happy! I'm glad Trouble came home and seemingly the worst side affect is some weight loss. I'm guessing she won't be living up to her name for awhile now! g

  47. I am so so happy for you all!!

  48. Anonymous6/17/2015

    happy for you/family! happy for Trouble!

  49. This is the BEST news! It's great to have a happy ending!

  50. What great news! I'd been hoping everyday that you would post something like this. So glad you have Trouble back.

  51. Maxine6/17/2015

    I'm SO pleased for you. I've been checking in every day to see if Trouble was back home and I cheered when I read your wonderful news. What a great day! X

  52. I am so glad to read this! Happy that Trouble is back with you all and that he is healthy. What a wonderful thing.

  53. What great news! I've been checking frequently, hoping for good news.

  54. Yay!!!! This is the best news I have heard all day - all week. Yay!!!!

  55. So very happy to hear that Trouble is back, I having been checking daily too. What wonderful news.

  56. Anonymous6/17/2015

    Like many others, I check here often to see if she's returned. I'm so happy for you and your family, and most especially for Trouble that she's home now!


  57. Huzzah! That's terrific.

  58. Oh Leslie, my heart is singing for you all! What a happy ending!

  59. Oh, what wonderful, wonderful news. I'm so happy - it made my day!!! I wish we could know where she went and what she did, the rascal. Give her a big fat hug from me.

  60. Oh, I'm so glad! What wonderful news for all of you.

  61. I'm so glad this had a happy ending. Please give her some hugs from me.

  62. I'm so happy for you and your family. What a happy day!!

  63. Eileen Cook6/17/2015

    So very very very very happy. I even teared up a bit. Sending lots of good wishes to Trouble, your family and the family that found her.

  64. What a joyful time for you all. My sweet girl went missing for 12 days a few years ago and my heart ached the whole time. Thankfully my story ended happily just as yours did. I'm sure Trouble is getting lots hugs and head scritches. :-)

  65. What a joyous day! I am so happy to hear that Trouble is home safely. I am sure you will love him back to health!

  66. What a lovely gift, the return of your sweet girl. Thanks for including us in your joy.

  67. So very happy for you and your family. I hope she continues to do well.

  68. *clasps hands* Hoorah!

  69. Thank God!!! I am going to sleep with a smile on my face!

  70. Really happy to hear this news. Big hugs xx

  71. Soo happy for you and your family. Truly smiling over here for you. Trouble back under your roof-you can sleep a bit better now. Gift! Great news !

  72. your mom and the rainbow and trouble home - perfection! so happy for you that she was found safe and sound!

  73. I cannot tell you how uplifted I felt when I heard about Trouble's homecoming. God bless that family that called you and three cheers for a super family reunion.

  74. Anonymous6/18/2015

    YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!

  75. What a relief that your family was able to get her back!! Truly heartwarming to see these pictures.

  76. That is great news. In reading some of the comments it struck me that this is one of the best things about the internet, that people - some of who you probably know and some who are strangers (like me, but feel like they have a small connection) are so empathetic and happy for someone they don't really know (although I do feel like I know you to some degree). Hopefully that made sense. Awesome news and I'm very happy for you.

  77. I'm so happy for you! Yay!

  78. Melissa B6/18/2015

    I am so happy for you and your family!!!

  79. Anonymous6/18/2015

    From an Airedale owner in Edinburgh, UK - so very happy for you. I have never left a comment here but I have thought of you every day as I step out on my doggie walk. Simply couldn't imagine not having my doggie by my side. Phew! Will raise a glass to you and Trouble over my supper tonight!

  80. Congratulation…

    we lost and after a few days found our 1 year old cat .
    I can imagine how lucky it is your sweet Airdale terrier recover healthy after such a long time .
    Good luck and happiness for the future :-)

  81. Good news, so happy for you. Enjoy now.

  82. That's SUCH wonderful news!!! I've checked your blog every single day for this news and yesterday was the first day I hadn't looked! Oh her lovely face says she is so happy to be home! Maybe it's best that you don't know the full extent of her adventures as her eyes have a bit of a glint....!!!
    Thanks for a great blog and all the knitting and baking inspiration!
    Love and best wishes to you all from Bolton, England xx

  83. I am so happy that Trouble is home. What joy for you and your family! I'm sure you had almost given up hope.
    This has made my day...I usually check your blog every day, but I was too busy the past day or so with many complicated job related problems, so it was nice to have good news!

  84. Claudia6/18/2015

    I have thought about yourTrouble every time I visit your blog. So glad your family is complete again. Thank you sharing a bit of your life with us...knitting, baking, travel and lovely family!

  85. This is just the best news ever!!!!!! So happy she's home!

  86. Anonymous6/19/2015

    Oh the most wonderful news!!! I've been anxiously reading your blog, hoping for this post FOREVER!!

  87. Every time I have read your blog over the past month, I was so hoping to read that Trouble was found...and today, it happened. So very happy for you and your family. Just great news.

  88. Omg this is most amazing news!!!!
    So happy!!!!

  89. Thank goodness! What a relief. So good to hear about a happy ending. Give Trouble some extra pets for me -- what a beautiful doggy.

  90. Anonymous6/20/2015

    So Happy to know that Trouble has made it home. I had panicked with finding my boy had wandered about the neighborhood for 1/2 hour recently let alone the angst of 4+ weeks

  91. Sooooooooooo happy to read that Trouble is back in your life! What a relief. I remember feeling such elation when our cat returned after being lost for over a month. She was also thinner and scruffy but as sweet as ever and wouldn't stop purring. Great news - thank you for sharing it.

  92. Anonymous6/20/2015

    I am so happy that Trouble is finally home!! If only she could talk! She's a lovely dog. I used to have an Airedale; just love the breed! The rainbow was a good sign.
    Give her a hug from me.


  93. Anonymous6/21/2015

    So happy Trouble came back home!!!


  94. So so pleased for you, and for Trouble.

  95. Maureen6/22/2015

    My computer has been down for the count for over a week - I just got internet service and email restored this AM. I'm SO happy that Trouble is back home! What a wonderful gift for all of you! If she could only tell you about her adventures and misadventures - what a book that would be! Hugs to all!

  96. Just the best news! I'm so relieved for you and Trouble.

  97. Oh my heavens! Answered prayers!! I've been out of town and not reading blogs for over a week, so just hearing this now. Am so, so VERY glad for all of you.

    Now, no more trouble from Trouble, 'k?

  98. Oh my goodness I am so so thankful to our Lord for this gift to you!!!!!!!!!!
    I bless Him with all my heart for bringing him back home to you. I rejoice with you all...your hearts must be full!
    Oh please give trouble the biggest hug for me!
    Im so overjoyed for you all.

    All my heart,
    Deborah xo

  99. Oh, I'm so glad! This post made me cry a little. I'm just so glad to hear that Trouble is home and all is well again.

  100. So happy for you, whenever I saw a dog that looked like your trouble, I had thought of you.

  101. YAY! Such good news! I'm sure good food and a lot of love is enough to fix your lovely pup up! :)

  102. I'm sure you can't read all of these remarks, but I was so thankful for the news I also cried. How blessed Trouble is to be home.

  103. Jaimee6/24/2015

    OMG I want to cry!!! Happy tears of course. I have 3 beloved dogs myself and my heart was so sad for you guys but now I am sooooo happy! Congratulations, wonderful, wonderful news. xo Jaimee

  104. oh my gosh, what a wonderfully happy ending!! Hooray


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